Chapter 5

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I woke up to find myself lying in the woods alone. My head hurts like crazy and my whole body is sore. The last thing I can remember is that Isacc and Aiden were werewolves. Or was it a dream? I really don't know anymore. Even if it was a dream, why would they be werewolves? And what if they really are werewolves in real life? I mean I exist, so I don't see any reason why werewolves wouldn't exist. Right?

As I was getting up, I saw a shadow hovering over me. I let out a shriek because I was still scared from my 'dream.'







"So, you really never told me what you were doing in the woods in the first place."

It turns out that the shadow from before happened to belong to the one and only Scott McCall.

"I was just taking a walk and I guess I got lost. Thanks again for helping me find my way out."

He let out a small smile and gave me an unsure nod.

"Promise me one thing. Don't go back in there. It's more dangerous than you think it is."

"Ok, yeah sure no problem." I said as he reached out to hug me. But as his chest came in contact with my neck I felt pain and flinched. I tried my best to not let it show. As we pulled away, I saw Stiles' jeep pull up.

"Scott, hurry up! Oh, hey Scarlett." He said as he stepped out and came towards me.

As time passed, Stiles and I became very close. Kind of like best friends. He hugged me and once again I felt pain in my neck. Ugh. I hope he didn't notice, but when he pulled away he dragged me in his jeep and drove off.

"Stiles! You left Scott behind!" I said as I turned around and saw something strange. Scott's eyes were red, just like Aiden's were.

"He can walk. I mean he walked here so he can walk back."






"Take off your coat. I know you're hurt." Shit. Not even I knew.

"Who did this to you?" I had finger marks bruised into my neck, which explained why my neck hurt so much. I told him how I found myself in the woods and how I didn't know if my 'dream' was really a dream or not.

We were currently in his room and his dad was still working. He put his hands in his face and sighed as he sat on the edge of his bed.

"You have to know eventually" He said in a low whisper. This got me thinking if I should tell Stiles my secret right now.

"Scarlett I know this is going to be hard to believe, but trust me. I'm not lying. Ok, here it goes. "






Scott, Derek, Cora, Peter, Aiden, Ethan, and Isaac are werewolves. And Lydia has this werid talent of finding dead people. It wasn't a dream after all. As I was processing this, Stiles was talking to Scott on the phone about how he told me everything. He also told me all about Jackson being the Kanima and how all the recent murders were being caused by something called the 'Darach.' I also know all about Deaton, wolfsbane, silver, mountain ash, and how Allison and her dad are hunters. That explains why she has bows and arrows. As an angel, I also have bows and arrows and I can make them appear and disappear. Maybe my powers can help stop this 'Darach'. Or maybe it'll make things worse. I don't have my necklace. And just like Aunt Julie said, I wouldn't be able to survive without it. What if i hurt peope along the way? I think it's better that my secret stays a secret.

Tears of an Angel || Isaac Lahey ☽Where stories live. Discover now