Chapter 32

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“Hey guys…” I awkwardly said while I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

I apparently was transported to Allison’s apartment where Lydia, Scott, Ethan, and Aiden were at with her. They were all staring at me with their mouths opened.

“What are you doing here? How did you get here? Why aren’t you watching Stiles? Why-“ Scott rambled on asking me questions.

“I’ll explain later. Now can you guys please stop staring at me and continue with whatever it is you were doing before I popped in?”

“My father said all of the Katashi evidence is being moved to a Federal Lockup by armored car tonight. Probably within the next few hours. We need to get a scroll, which contains information on how to exorcise the Nogitsune. We need all the help we can get.” Allison gave me that look asking if I’d join them or not.

“So basically we're going to rob an armored car?”

“Well… we're going to try.” Lydia trailed off.

“This is a really bad plan.” Scott said.

“It's not that bad actually.” I blurted in.

“It's not that good.”

“None of us knows the route they're going to take. If Allison can get one of her dad's GPS trackers on the armored car then we can follow it. “ Lydia said.

“So when it gets here...” Allison pointed at a location on a map.

“We attack them?” Aiden asked.

“No. Your bikes will be in the middle of the road, looking like you guys got into an accident. And when the driver gets out to help...”

“We attack him?”

“No! You'll distract him and Scott will break open the back door.”

“I hope.” Scott added.

“Allison, Lydia, and I will keep look out.” I said as Allison handed me my bow and quiver full of arrows.

“I saved them for you the night of the incident. I thought you’d want them again.”

I gave her a thank you and quickly put on the quiver full of arrows.

“And you'll get Katashi's finger.” Lydia told Ethan.

“It's not his actual finger, is it?”

“Why aren't we just going to Stilinski for help?” Aiden asked.

“Because if he gets caught, then it's the Sheriff tampering with federal evidence.” Scott said.

Tears of an Angel || Isaac Lahey ☽Where stories live. Discover now