Chapter 9

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"Scarlett! Scarlett please wake up!"

I opened my eyes to find myself in Scott's house and Isaac hovering over me. I then remembered why I passed out. Imagine how Stiles must be right now. I have to go make sure he's ok. I tried to stand up but Isaac gently pushed me back.

"Don't worry. He went for a walk to clam down. He said he wanted to be alone. I'm sure he'll come back soon. Then you can go check up on him." He said as brushed my hair out of my face.

I stood up from my lying position and remained seated on the bed. I didn't know what to say to him. He grabbed my hands and gently rubbed small circles into them.

"Scarlett, listen. I'm so sorry for not being there when you performed. I had to go find Mr. Westover before he got sacrificed. But then when I got there it was too late and I realized that the darach's latest round of victims are philosophers so I had to go to the school because there were a bunch of teachers leaving from there. And you know what happened next. I can just imagine how great you did. I'm such a jerk. I should've called you or something. I can't believe I missed you perform after I promised you. Oh my god. What was I thinking? I ha-"

I started laughing because he was ranting on and on.

"I understand. You must me stressed. Just next time let me know. And I have no idea who won cause Stiles and I were goofing around when we heard Lydia scream so we left."

Isaac caressed my cheek and pulled me in for a hug. I nestled my head into the crook of his neck. I felt the soft fabric of his scarf brush my face.

"I promise you I'm gonna make it up to you. And this time I really mean it." He mumbled into my ear.

I inhaled and was met by a sweet smell of vanilla. My scent.

"You smell good." I said as I started laughing.

I pulled away from our hug and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You left your scent on my scarf when you wore it the other day. But I like it because when I smell it I think of you." He looked into my eyes and put his hands on my waist.

His eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips. He leaned in but turned his head towards my ear instead. Such a tease. His lips formed into one of those smiles that make me melt.

"Isaac you don't have make it up to me. I compl-" I was interrupted by a pair of lips on mine. I smiled and kissed back. We pulled away and touched foreheads. It was a sweet kiss.

"Of course I do sugarplum."

"Sugarplum?" I let out a giggle.

He snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I could feel his toned abdominals through his loose, white v-neck.

"What? I think it's cute." He made a pouty face and reconnected our lips together.

"You know I love you right?" I mumbled against his lips.

"I love me too." He joked letting out a small laugh.

"I'm just kidding. I love you too Scarlett. You're the best thing that's happened to me. Please be careful from Ms. Blake. I can't lose you too."

Words weren't needed so I nodded letting him know that I would be careful and not do anything crazy. But no promises.

"I should probably call Stiles. He must be devastated with the disappearance of his dad."

He nodded giving me space to call him. It rang but there was no answer except for his voicemail. I tried again but still no answer. I texted him letting him know that I'm here for him and that I knew how he was feeling.

"I'm gonna go see if he's at his house." I got on my tiptoes and planted a quick kiss on Isaac's lips.

"Want me to walk you there? Just to make sure you make it safe?" He's been so protective of me lately because of the darach. I'm gonna be honest. I find it hot. I don't know why. I just do.

"I think I can handle anything that gets in my way. I'm more powerful than you think." I smirked and walked out of his room leaving him dumbstruck.

Once I was out of sight I used my powers to appear in front of Stiles' house. I have yet to tell everyone about my powers. When my fist came in contact with the front door, it slightly creaked open. I hesitantly walked in hearing my boots click against the floor.

"Stiles? Are you in here?" I could hear sobs in the distance and figured he was here. I snapped my fingers and Stiles' favorite food appeared in my hands. "I have curly fries."

"I'm in the bathroom." I smiled to myself knowing it worked. When I walked in, the sight in front of me shattered my heart. Stiles' face was pale and he had bags under his eyes. His hair looked like it was pulled at and his face was stained with tears. I dropped the fries and immediately pulled him in for a hug.

"Oh my god Stiles. I'm so sorry. I promise you we're going to find your dad. And I promise you he's going to be alive when we do. I know how you're feeling." I rubbed his back and let him let out the tears he was holding in.

"It's going to be ok. We're gonna stop the darach and you're dad's going to be right by your side. Almost as if he never left."

He pulled away and mumbled many thank you's.

"I'm sad." He put his head down.

"Stiles things will get bet-" He pulled his head back up and started smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" He smirked yet again. I swear to god it's like he's been smirking all the time lately. Or maybe I'm stupid enough to barely realize he always does that.

"I'm sad because you dropped the fries and I really wanted some."

I laughed and playfully slapped his shoulder.

"Five second rule?" He stared at me and laughed along. He stepped back and leaned on the counter. He looked me up and down.

"Five seconds already past." He replied in a raspy voice.


"Stiles?" I heard Scott call from the front door.

"We have to go warn Derek about Ms. Blake hurry! She might get to him before us." He said as he appeared in front of the bathroom door. I glanced at him and gave him a look that I was going too. He didn't argue with me, not wanting to waste more time. The three of us ran to his jeep and quickly drove to Derek's loft.

We ran in and Scott tried to tell him everything about Ms. Blake as fast as he could.

"She's the one who's been killing people. For god sakes, she's the darach!" Scott said getting frustrated.

I stopped listening to them when i heard the sound of heels clicking against the floor. "You guys." I tired getting their attention but they were still explaining everything to Derek.

"You guys! She's here."

Scott immediately turned his head and listened to her heels as well. He pushed Stiles and I behind a door where the three of us stayed out of sight.

"Derek? Derek, where are you?" I heard Ms. Blake shout as her figure appeared.

"Right here." Derek said as he stayed standing in the same place with no expression on his face.

"Thank God. Something happened at the recital. At the school. Okay, I need to tell you before you hear it, before you hear any of it from them." She said in one breath.

"From who?"

"Scott, Stiles, and Scarlett. They're gonna tell you things. Things you can't believe. You have to trust me, okay? You trust me."

Well, if we didn't already tell Derek he probably would've fallen for her lies even more cause she was pretty good at acting. I still can't believe he had sex with her.

"What is it?" She stepped closer to Derek.

"Promise you'll listen to me."

"I promise."

The three of us intently watched as she leaned in and kissed him but abruptly pulled back.

"They're already here, aren't they?"

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