1| Cafe on the corner

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"Get up Addison!" Nora shouts in my face. I sit up gasping. "Oh my fucking god u scared the shit out of me, you fucking.." Nora cut me off "Stop with the swearing, now hurry up and get ready." she said with a huge smile on her face. I just groaned and roll out of bed. I just decided to put on denim skirt which was quite short and a basic black top revealing a little cleavage. I walked out of my bedroom finding Nora waiting down the stairs. "Took you long enough" I just roll my eyes and follow her out the door.


"Hey how is my favourite barista going?" Belle smiles cutely, slightly embarrassed by all the customers staring right at her. We come to the cafe, quiet often where belle works. Nora, Belle and I just meet up all the time for debriefs on what happening in our lives. Belle clocks onto her break and she comes to sit with Nora and I. "Ah thank you" I say excepting the caramel cappuccino she gave me, she knows me so well. We chat for a while and then suddenly i hear my phone going off.
"Oh hey Matteo"
"Addison where are you, I told you 10:30 for the meeting"
"Shit i forgot"
"Come now" He hangs up abruptly before I can decline his offer. Well more like him telling me to come but whatever. "Sorry guys I have to leave." I don't understand why I always have to go not like I do anything or am allowed to. I sit in the room for about 10 minutes then when the men start arguing about stuff I'm sent out of the room by my brother or my father. I don't know what they are talking about and I'm never allowed to know. But for some reason I always have to be there for like a declaration as a family type of thing I'm not too sure. Like it is a meeting about my father's private company, I actually don't even know what the company is nor do I care.

I quickly grab my things and head for the door. I hiss when a hard force hits my body. My coffee goes everywhere. I look up so see a very tall man in front of me. He looks at least 6'4, I'm not even that short I'm 5'4, only a foot apart I guess. I realise I've been staring at this guy silently I contain myself.
"Sorry" I giggle slightly, I don't know why but his reaction was funny. His eyes widen and he is frozen, he looks silly. He looks at me up and down then to my eyes. I gran some napkins for him because he seems to be agitated. He looked angry, yet mesmerised I can't explain it. He clears his throat. "Watch where you're going next time" He scoffs and walks past me annoyed and tense. "No need to be an asshole" I say as i grab the handle to the door turning back around seeing him shake his head slightly, displaying his chiseled jaw and his light green eyes glowing in the sunlight. Snap back to reality Addison. Now where was I. "Shit I'm so fucking late."

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