17 | Showtime

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We arrive back to Thomas' house and enter. "Hey you guys are back" Lucas says. "Miss me?" I giggle. He just laughs as well.

"I'll take the bags back upstairs" I nod to his words. He walks away and up the stairs to his room, well our room, um I'm not sure. I sleep in there every night but not together because he is either at work or sleeps in office or sometimes not at all. So It's kinda my room you could say, just joking.

"Come here" Nicholas waves me over. I walk over and sit next to him on the bench. "What's up?" I say questioning why he is calling me over. Like of course we talk but he's never this serious.

"Just be careful with him" He says. "What do you mean?" I ask.
"Well he's a fucked up man and I've never seen him this way with anyone. You're the first person he's really been open to and shown actual emotions to. He has problems" He tells me. I stay silent as he talks more.

"After his mum died and his dad left him, he has never been what he used to be. But you bring out the old him. Not the cold, arrogant and ruthless man he has been recently."

"I won't hurt him" I say. "I know" He says as he gets up from his bench and walks away.

Flashback to when Thomas' Dad left him, 3 years ago when he was 18

Thomas' POV

"You're old enough to look after the mafia by yourself" My father says. "But he's so young and to look after the whole-" One of his men say.
"Shut it" father says, "Now you listen here, you will not fail and you will not show any mercy, you are carrying a fucking legacy here and if you stuff it up I will fucking come for you and slit your throat."

"I understand" I say knowing I had no idea how to do any of this. No emotions, no mercy, no caring for others opinion, all that matters now is the mafia.

"I thought so, now grab my bags" He orders his men and he heads to the front door. "Don't fuck this up or you'll be sorry" He opens the door and walks out.

I had no idea why my father was leaving. Nor will I ever probably know. But from now on, I need to run this mafia. My father always said love was a waste of time, that hit hard after my mother pasted when I was very young. I don't really remember her. No time for anything else just business.

End of Flashback

Addison's POV

I pick up some newspapers and letters on the front table in the foyer. I swipe through them to see if I find anything good. Oh what's this. I read the back and the front of the brochure. Hmmm. "Ahhhh" I scream.

Thomas, Lucas, Nicholas come running down the stairs. Alex slowly following behind. They are all shaken up "What's wrong" They all say. I giggle, "Didn't mean to scare you guys but look" I shove the brochure in their faces. They are so frantic to see what I was showing them. It was a talent show night.

"Seriously" Alex says. "Leave her alone" Thomas tells him. "So what do you guys think?" I say smiling and spinning around. They all think. "Can we all go tonight?" I say.

"Um I have to-" Nicholas was saying thinking of an excuse. "Nuh uh uh everyone has to come" I state "Sooooo...." I give them a face with a big smile.

"Okay" He says. "Yay" I say spinning around with my arms in the air. They all laugh at me. "6 tonight be ready" I saying blowing them a kiss before walking away.


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