25 | Dinner

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So we last left off at Thomas and I getting engaged. Well after that I freaked out because Belle and Nora don't even know him and what happened between us. Nora only knows of a man, it was too painful to tell her the whole thing when I was living with her.

After the concert I ran off and they didn't see me for the rest of the night, I messaged Nora saying  I was staying at someone else's house. Which I meant it was Thomas' but I can't just say that. Nora didn't ask anymore questions.

Anyway it's actually crazy now that we are engaged. Like If I would have told myself that when I first met him, I would have never believed you. Like it's insane. I feel complete now, unlike before when yk...

"Tom, I'm going out, I'll be back soon" I yell from downstairs. "Okay be safe" He yells from his office. I walk out the door. I didn't tell him where I was going. I don't want it to be a burden for him but I'm going to my therapist.

I took one of his black range rovers so hot. I feel up the steering wheel before putting in the keys and twisting them. The car starts up and I pull out of the driveway and through the gates.

I've been feeling better since Thomas and I figuring our stuff out. But I still need my therapist. To fully get through my shit. I can't just rely on him for my happiness. I need to deal with my shit, like my father and eating.


"Addison, good to see you" My therapist says. "Hey...um" I didn't know what to call her. "Call me Nicole" She offers a pleasant and welcoming smile. I stop peeking my head through the door and open it letting myself in. I close it behind me and sit on the couch in front of her.

"So tell me how have you been? Did you do the songs?" She starts questioning me.

"This is the best I've been in a bit. I did write the songs, Nora helped me find somewhere to perform. I did it a Friday Night Live, It was lowkey awesome, there was so many people and they seemed to enjoy my songs." I fiddle with my fingers.

"That's good, can you elaborate on why you're feeling better?"

"Well Thomas..the guy I was so broken about, we are kinda engaged now" She drops her jaw in shock and delight "Yeah shocking isn't it, I still am. The songs helped me deal with my emotions of the situation. Then when I saw Thomas all the old ones came running back and he apologized which he never does like never ever. We love each other.."

"How you doing with your eating?" She glances at my body. I cross my arms trying to cover up, "I guess you can tell, I do eat, just not a lot."

"Do you have any old trauma?" She asked concerned. I breath, "My father." I let my word out as a whisper but she still heard. She hummed trying to ask me to elaborate. "Everyone happened because my father hit me and I went to Thomas for help so then...It is just all overwhelming."

She reaches out and grabs my hand so I can stop playing with them. "Have you come to terms with the fact your father may not be a good man and because of that your with the love of your life now?" She says.

I look up and my eyes widen in awe. "Yeah I guess" I smile thinking about him. "I feel like that's good for today, if you need another session message me."

I agree and walk out of the room. We go to the front desk so I can pay for today's session. I search for a card in my bag. Found one, should work. "Tap when you're ready" I tap my card and walk out.


"I'm back" I yell. Then I head upstairs and take my shoes off in our room. Our room. "Addie come here please" He said very gently which got me nervous for some reason.

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