16 | Are we still friends?

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"Try some of this one" I say as I grab some pasta on my fork and give it to him. He opens his mouth and bites it off the fork. He chews the pasta thoroughly and plays with his hands.

His sleeves are rolled up, exposing his forearms. His veins ran all over his arms and his hands. Ugh I'm a sucker for veins.
His jaw is defined as he chews and his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallows.

"Hmm it's fine" He says. "So you love it?!" I smile. He doesn't say anything and reaches over and takes some on his fork and eats it.

"Your glass of whiskey sir" The waiter places the glass in front of him. I watch closely as she puts it down and then moves her hand gliding it across his hand, up his arm then patting him on the shoulder.

He stops her hand and shoves it off of him. He rolls his shoulders back and tilts his head from side to side. He seemed disgusted and uncomfortable.

As she walks away, I can't help myself and say "She likes you." I chuckle while grabbing my fork and taking a bit of some pasta. "Jealous angel?" He asks while taking a sip of his whiskey.


"Ready to go?" He says pushing his seat back and standing up. "To where? Wait let me guess, it's a surprise" I say mocking him. He chuckles as we exit the restaurant.

We drove to like the middle of nowhere. "Is this where you kill me now?" I chuckle looking at his facial expression. "If I wanted to I would" I gulped. He cackles at my reaction.

"Woah" I say lifting up from my seat and leaning forward on the dashboard. We drove into the woods where there was a cabin overlooking the river and mountains.

"I got some people to bring us our stuff up here to stay for the night" He says nervously. My eyes widen "I love it." He relaxes and we walk inside.

The cabin was quite big as well which I wasn't expecting. I walk out the balcony admiring the view. I held leaned over the railing placing my elbows against it and holding my hands today. Laying my chin on top of my hands. I tilt my head to the side in awe of the scenery.

Thomas walks out. "It's beautiful" I say looking at the stars. "Yeah it is" He says staring at me. "But you're not even looking at the view" I giggle. "Your better." I give him a look before looking up at the stars.

He comes closer to me making me standing up straighter and just hold the railing with my hands. I lift up my body and lean on the railing with locked out arms to see more.

"Careful Adz" He grabs my waist pulling me back to him. I fall backwards him catching me with his hold on me. "I was fine, I just wanted to get closer to the stars."

"You like the stars don't you?" I nod, "That one there is my favourite it's always shining the brightest. Like out of all of them it stands out the most, I think it's cool" I gets nervous as I continue to yap about the stars and all he can do is have his gaze on me. I quiet down, he makes me nervous for some reason like my belly feels weird.

"Wanna play pool?" He asks. "Okay but you're going to teach me" I demand.
"Oh of course" He says sarcastically. "In all seriousness anything for you princess" He says pulling me inside.

I grab the pool stick out of its holder. They were much larger than normal ones probably because of all these tall mafia guys. "What the fuck this is literally the size of me" I say holding it up to the side of me. He chuckles "Come baby, I'll help you."

"Maybe I no longer require your assistance" I hold the stick and walk over to start the game. He comes up behind me. I readjust my hands on the stick and lift it up on the table. He lifts his hands to my waist and then up to my arms to help position the stick in front on the ball.

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