21 | Broken Glass

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"This is my last song for tonight" I say into the microphone. The crowd awes and I giggle. "So this song is called 'Nobody gets me' and I wrote this song because do you ever feel like that one person understands you but then leaves you?" I say the crowd yells "Yes!"

"Well then fuck them" I say and the crowd cheers. A voice says "fuck men" in the crowd and everyone goes crazy and I yell in support into the microphone. "Anyway let's sing now" I say. I clear my throat.

(play music at top)

Took a long vacation
No make-up, just JAY-Z
You were balls deep, now we beefin'
Had me butt naked at the MGM
So wasted, screamin' "fuck that"
Blurry now, but I mean it then
Hurry now, baby, stick it in
'Fore the memories get to kickin' in

It's too late, I don't wanna lose

The lyrics go up on the screen and everyone joins in for the chorus.

What's left of you
How am I supposed to tell you
I don't wanna see you with anyone but me?
Nobody gets me like you
How am I supposed to let you go?
Only like myself when I'm with you
Nobody gets me, you do
You do
Nobody gets me, you do
You do
Nobody gets me, you do
You do
Nobody gets me, you do

The crowd was singing with so much emotion and I was walking to each side of the side singing to different groups of people.

You was feeling empty so you left me
Now I'm stuck dealin' with a deadbeat
If I'm real, I deserve less
If I was you, I wouldn't take me back
I pretend when I'm with a man it's you

And I know that it's too late,
I don't wanna lose.

The crowd joins in for the chorus again.

What's left of you
How am I supposed to tell you
I don't wanna see you with anyone but me?
Nobody gets me like you
How am I supposed to let you go?
Only like myself when I'm with you
Nobody gets me, you do
You do
Nobody gets me, you do
You do
Nobody gets me, you do

You do
Nobody gets me, you do
Nobody gets me, you do

I finish singing and I take a big breath in and out. And I laugh and wave to everyone and bow. They all cheer. "Thank you and goodnight" I say walking off the stage.

As I enter my changing room, Nora and Belle come running in. "That was so frickin' good" They say "How did you come up with all that?"

"I wrote from my heart" I say giving a gentle smile. "Sleepover at mine?" Belle asks. Nora and I nod eagerly. "I'll be right out, actually I'll meet you at the car, just gotta do some stuff quickly" I say. "Alright don't be too long" Nora says while they walk out.

I needed to grab some folders. "Hmm that should be it" I say to myself before spotting the flowers Nora bought me. "Oh can't forget these" I grab the vase and walk out. I lock the door and turn to walk down the hallway.

My jaw drops open and my hands releases its grip. I drop the vase of flowers on the floor in shock. It smashes everywhere but I don't make another move.

The air suffocates me, I can't breathe. I stumble in the wall next to me for support as I try to calm myself. I turn to look down the hall to see if I'm crazy but I'm not. I blink my eyes multiple times hoping this nightmare will disappear.

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