10 | Ball

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Addison's POV

The girls and I are getting ready for a ball tonight. Another one of my father's business ones. Nora and Belle were obviously invited by me because it's mainly just families that go to them. Father tells me they are just big family run companies.

"Yellow or-" Nora and I cut belle off, "Defined the blue, it's gorgeous." She smiles, running her hands over the dress and inspecting it further, "I agree." "Adz what you wearing." I silently walk over to my closet, pull out the dress bag and open the zipper. "This."

"What the actual fuck that is such a nice dress" They both exclaim. "I'll put it on once I'm done my hair and makeup."
"You take forever getting ready"
"Never rush beauty"
"Shut the actual fuck up" Nora says pushing my shoulder slightly jokingly.

"Belle-" I pause taking in a moment for the dress "You look like a princess." "Hurry up and put your dresses on I want to see" she smiles looking at herself in the full body length mirror.

Nora and I walk back into my room in our dresses. We are all gazing at how we are fucking stunning cunts.

Addison's dress

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Addison's dress

Addison's dress

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Belle's Dress

Belle's Dress

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Nora's Dress

I wore a long black dress with an open back dropping all the way to my hips and pearls crossed on my back. My hair was in a neat bun with pearl earrings to match the ones on my dress. Belle was in a strapless yellow dress and Nora wore a baby blue corset fitting long dress.

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