14 | Training

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Thomas and I come back into the kitchen. There are other guys sitting eating some breakfast. "That's Nicholas, Alex and.." He points at each man. "You've already met Lucas" He rolls his eyes and I hit his arm giving him a look.

"Nice to meet you all" They smile. "Well you're very nice how could you Thomas even interact with you" Nicholas says. "I guess I tamed Mr Grumpy over here" I say patting his chest and giving him a smile before turning around and walking over to the guys.

He scoffs "Did not." "Wanna repeat what you just said" I turn around raising my eyebrows. He shakes his head. That is what I thought.

"What's the plan today boss?" Nicholas questions. "Train the new recruits" My eyes lighten up when Thomas says that. "Oh my god can I help?"

"Do you even know how?" Alex says trying to make me feel bad about myself. "Leave her alone Alex...you can if you would like" Thomas tells me.

I nod eagerly. "Hold on, just give me a second and I'll be ready" I say running up the stairs.

Thomas got his men to go pick up my clothes from my house last night. I guess he knew I would be staying with him.

Let's see what we have in here. Uh huh this eats. I put on some black leggings, crop and tight zip up jacket. The jacket up is unzipped to just below my tits, showing my them being pushed up out of my crop. Then I added some white running shoes.

Addison's fit

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Addison's fit

Just a simple black fit should do it. I walk downstairs and back into the kitchen, spinning and show off my outfit.

They all stood silent. "Like my outfit?" I question after they stare at me with a blank face. They all cough and regain themselves. "Um yep let's go" Nicholas says.

I walk over to Thomas. He looks down on me while I have to break my neck to look up at him.

"Oi eyes are here champ" He smiles looking from my chest back to my eyes. "Champ is it?" I nod crossing my arms, accidentally pushing my tits together making them pop more. "Maybe don't do that" He says uncrossing my arms and holding my hands.

"Hmm why?" I say innocently having no idea. "No reason" He say nonchalant. I brush it off. "I'll see you later" I go on my tip toes and kiss his cheek and wave goodbye.

"Come on" I yell at Nicholas. He didn't move he was too shocked that I kissed Thomas. Ugh. "Move your body now" I say grabbing his biceps and pulling him away.

Thomas laughs. Nicholas and I disappear down the hallway. I let go of his arm as he starts to walk himself. "So you and him hey" I pretend to think really really hard. "We will see how he goes"
I make Nicholas laugh. "I see what he sees in you" I look at him confused.

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