12 | Stop

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Addison's POV

I had the best night. On the way home the limo dropped off Belle and Nora to their homes and it was just Matteo, Father and I. As we entered into the house I slid off my heels and carried them up, they always hurt my feet, making me barley being able to walk.

Matteo heads straight for his room and shuts his door as I walk out on the balcony. The door opens and shuts. "Addison" a stern voice says. It was my father.

I turn around indicting for him to continue talking. He has always made me nervous when we are together. I don't think he would ever hurt me but he used to hurt my mother, not too bad just a slap sometimes if she fucked up his business. Eventually she had enough with his bull shit and she left when we were very young, back then I had no idea why, until my brother told me because he was much older than me so he understood what was happening.

"You need to stop seeing that man." I gulp, "What do you mean, I'm not seeing anyone."

"So you're a liar now" He says smirking. "Um no" He was now towering over me making me nervous. "He is a bad man"

"And you're not" I instantly regret my decision in saying that. He slaps my face so hard I jolt back leaning over the railing. He holds my neck pushing me bent over the railing. I scoff for air. "Wanna repeat what you just said" I try to shake my head.

"You and your mother have the same mouth I see and your both fucking up my business" He lets go of my neck pulling me away from the balcony and throwing me onto the floor. "Watch your fucking mouth Addison" I rub my neck nodding to his words.

"I feel that you're old enough to know about our lives." I don't speak. "Since you are so dimwitted, you have completely no idea. We are in the fucking mafia, not a company." I raise my eyebrows and drop my jaw in shock. "And that man you're with, is the most ruthless, arrogant son of a bitch fucking don in the whole mafia world." I can't believe the words I'm hearing. I crawl off of the floor and stumble out of glass sliding doors.

I needed to get out of here. I couldn't tell anyone what happened. I didn't want the sympathy and plus I don't need anyone being nosy in my life. I have just found out I'm a fucking mafia princess and I had no idea.

Where do I go?


Thomas' POV

That's so odd why is someone knocking on my door this late. I just got out of my shower so I had wet dripping hair and no shirt on. I mean it must be someone important if my security let them in. They stop knocking and I hear a loud thud.

I run over to the door, grab the handle and pull it fully open. Addie. "Baby, what happened? Open your eyes for me." I lifted up her dress a little bit to see some large bruises on her legs probably from impact. Someone hurt her. "Come on." I say pulling her dress back down and picking her up in a cradle position and bringing her to my bedroom.

"I need you to open your mouth" She parts her lips. I slip some pain killers in her mouth. "Swallow" Holding water in a cup for her to drink. I bring the water closer to her lips. "Good girl" I place the water on my bedside table. 

"You're going to need to change clothes, you can't see in that dress" She groans. "I can't, I have no strength, help me."

"Addie I don't think that is a good idea."
"I trust you" She whispers barely having energy to speak. I first remove her heels and she groans in relief. "Did you walk all the way here?"
"Yeah." I gently rub her feet, placing some of my socks on her feet to keep them warm. She has tiny feet my socks are massive on her.

I walk over to my dresser and grab sweatpants and a hoodie. I hand them to her to put on. "Please just do it." She insisted. I carefully take one of her straps off her shoulder, it falls down to her arm. I lifted her arm slipping it into the hoodie, then doing the other strap and placing that arm in as well. I did that so she was still covered and I didn't see anything.

"Stand up" She grabs my hands to help pull her up. She comes crashing into my chest, resting her head on my bare abs. I place my hands on her hips and pull down the dress. As the dress fell off she was still fully covered by hoodie because I was so much bigger than her so my hoodie was a dress on her.

"Thank you" She whispers wrapping her arms around me catching me off guard. I kiss the top of her head. I shuffle us both back to the bed. I help her lay down and pull the covers up to her. She readjusts herself. As I make sure she was settled I leave the room.

"Stay" She peeks her head out of the blankets. "You're hurt, you need rest."
"I know and I want you here" I smile at her comment. I come over to the other side of the bed and slide in. "I'm just-" She starts to talk. "You don't need to explain why you're here."

She starts moving around restless and becomes agitated. "You know you can come over here" I say to her. She looks at me and smiles but doesn't move. I think she was a bit nervous to initiate the contact so I stop thinking and pull her towards me. She lets out a giggle as I make her come to me.

I wrap my arm around her. She gets comfortable and lays her head on my chest and places one leg in between mine. "Goodnight Angel" I whisper into her ear. "Goodnight Tommy" I hate that nickname.

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