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Flashback Chapter:

Addison's POV from three years ago when she was 18

I've been dating Dylan for about 6 months now. He makes me so happy. I love him so so much. We bicker a lot but that's healthy right. Well he get angry then takes it out on me but that's they way he deals with his feelings.

Dylan arrives home from work and ignores me, heading up to his office. He comes back downstairs and finds me in the kitchen preparing dinner. "Hey Dylan-" I say facing him now. "Stop with the bullshit where are my fucking pills" He expresses angrily. He has been on some medication for the past couple weeks and I've noticed he has changed a lot since taking them.

"I don't know Hunny I-" He catches me off guard, grabbing my neck and pushing me against the wall. I gasp for air pleading to be let go. "Tell me where you fucking you put my pills or I swear to god I will-"
"I haven't touched them" I plead. The pills seem to be affecting his usual behavior he seems to be addicted to them. His eyes are all red, has major bags under his eyes and his mind is not in the right place.

"Well Addison, if your not going to fucking tell me where they are then I'm going to resort to plan B" He says reaching over to the board where I was chopping vegetables. He comes back to me with a knife. I clench as he slids the knife over my skin. I scream in pain when he stabs the knife into my lower stomach near my hip. As soon as the pain starts to slow down, he rips it straight out. I scream once again. He walks away huffing and stumbling over the apartment.

I hold my stab wound trying to make it to the phone calling Nora. "I need you to come get me" I say breathlessly. "What happened?" She asked worried. Before I could answer her question I pass out.

"Where's Dylan?" I ask waking up. I ponder around the room. Fuck it's a hospital. "He's not answering." I sigh in relief, "He did it, don't tell anyone please." "Just between us" she sighs.

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