15 | Nancy

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I've been staying at Thomas' house for a couple days now. It's quite fun here. I have so much company.

When Thomas isn't around, I just hangout with Lucas or go train recruits with Nicholas. After my episode with the knifes, he just tells me when it's knifes and I just don't go in those days.

But I'm quite good at self defense and shooting guns. I know Thomas has had to rescue me sometimes but that was because I was drunk and couldn't even feel my body to even fight guys off.
Thank the lords he was there.

When it's guns I'm quite good because I used to go to the gun ranges with my dad and brother all the time, kinda a sensitive topic now but it's whatever.

I told my brother, I was staying somewhere else and didn't tell him what dad did because I didn't want him to think differently of father. He has always adored and looked up to him.

Today all the guys had to go out on a job so I spend the day doing whatever I want. This house is fucking massive. Like I haven't even seen every room it's that big.

And the backyard oh my fucking god heaven. The pool falls off the edge of a cliff, an infinity pool I think it's called. Then there is like a bbq area and a whole sports area with soccer nets, basket ball court and a volleyball net.

The last place I haven't seen was these underground stairs leading to a door. Bruh a fucking hand print, well let's try. I place my hand on it and write in my details on the screen.

Oh It works, cool I guess. I open the door revealing a gym. Boxing bags, dumbbells and all these machines to workout on I don't even know what they are for.

I walk around the corner and It reveals a whole wall of guns, knifes and any weapon you could possibly think of damn. The knifes were okay just sitting there as long as someone wasn't holding it.

The guys said they would be back around 5 which it was now so I headed out and back inside the house. The door opens and I go to greet them.

"Hello we are home" Lucas calls out. I come from the hallway and find them coming in the front door. Lucas, Nicholas, Alex and Thomas walk through the door.

I hug Lucas and Nicholas who I'm quite good friends with both now. Thomas just watches staring into my soul. I could feel his piercing gaze sending shivers down my back.

I look at Thomas after hugging them both. I cross my arms and look at him. "Well that's about everyone" I swivel my feet and walk away. I get just past the corner.

I peek and see Thomas pissed off. Staring Lucas and Nicholas down.

"I'm kidding" I run back in and jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist. He places his hand under my thighs holding me up with no effort as If I weighed nothing.

He chuckles. "I wasn't stressing." I giggle leaning forward whispering into his ear and touching his ear lightly with my lips as I speak "I saw how you were looking at them both." I then kiss his ear and pull away looking into his eyes, then running my fingers across his neck and through his hair. He groans slightly at the feeling.

I stop and unwrap my legs. He lowers me down as If I was going to break. "I wanna take you somewhere." I look at his confused.

"It's a surprise, be ready at 6:30 and wear that black dress I bought you" I nod at him and smile.

I walk away and up to his room. Finding the black dress in the closet hung up. I go into the bathroom to get ready because I want to straighten my hair and the lightening is no much better in here so why not. I had the bathroom door close but I could hear him come in and get changed then leave really quick.

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