22 | Christian

10 1 0

Last night I slept at Belle's with Nora. I arrived late after being with Thomas for a little bit. I didn't want them to know about it because I haven't even told them about him or anything. But Nora does know that I was hurt because of a guy but I didn't tell her who.

It would be weird if I told them I was out with him and I was living with him for a while because my dad hurt me. Like I can't spring it on them like that. I'm sure it will just come up eventually.

We had a little to drink last night in celebration of me performing. So this morning we were hungover as fuck. We went to sleep at like 3 and woke up at 11 and god I need coffee now.

"Coffee please, I can't survive" I say. "Agreed" We get up and get ready. Well not really we all put on matching lounge sets, tied our hair into messy low buns and sunnies so you couldn't see our lack of sleep and awareness.

None of us were awake enough to drive so we took the bus. We arrive at the cafe, yes the one we always go to. The door dings as we walk through. "Good morning just the usuals" We tell the cashier, because we are regulars.

As we receive our coffees we sit down in a booth. I sigh as I drink my coffee, fuck I needed it so bad. I also think I drunk more than Nora and Belle because I saw Thomas and there was just a lot happening so....don't hate me.

The door dings and the cafe is met with a bunch of men coming in making a lot of noise. They go to a booth on the opposite side.

Us girls just have a debrief of life, I failed to mention about Thomas but I don't like talking about it. I make eye contact with one of the guys. Then I turn away, then slightly look back over to see if he is still looking. He is.

He turns back to the guys he is with and says something. The guys cheer and hype him up. He turns to look at me and gets up from his seat. I see him coming my direction.

"Hey I'm Christian" He says. "Hi I'm Addison" I reply back. "I think your gorgeous could I get your number perhaps?" He asks me. "Yeah sure" I say as he hands me his phone and lets me type my number in. I hand it back.
"I'll message you later." I nod and smile to his words.

He walks back to the guys and I turn around to start talking with the girls. "God Addie he is in love with you" Nora says. "Shut up" I say. They both laugh and take another sip.

After we are done our coffee Belle heads back to her house. Nora and I then go back home a bit after.


Later that night

Christian: Hey this is Christian

Me: Hey what's up

Christian : I was wondering if you wanna maybe come to a party tonight?

Me: Yeah sounds good

Christian: Cool, I'll pick you up in half an hour

Hmm what do I wear? I didn't have much to wear because everything was big because I got so skinny because yk...

The only things that do fit are really my corsets because they can be tightened a lot and my mini skirts because they are the size of a belt. I put on a red corset and a black skirt. The skirt was a little loose but it was wearable.

I look into the full body mirror to see my outfit. I turn to the side and back to the front. I look like a ghost. I'm actually disgusted of how I look. I can't believe I let it get this bad. My legs and arms were sticks. I could see my collar bone and cheek bones really really defined. My skin was almost purple. I looked as if someone touched me I would break in half. I miss the old me.

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