13 | Father

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Addison's POV

Why did I even go to Thomas'? After my dad told me about the mafia stuff. He and I were the same. My father described him as some devil but with me he was something else.

I went to him because he makes me feel safe, and no one can hurt me when I'm with him. Especially my dad who I'm now terrified of. I don't want to have the same fate as my mother.

I could have gone to Nora's house but I couldn't deal with having to explain everything but with Thomas he didn't need an explanation, he just made sure I was okay.

I wake up in bed, expecting to see Thomas next to me but he wasn't. God I was starving. I wonder around the house until I find the kitchen.

"Hello" Someone says as they are making some food. "Hey" I say sitting on a bar stool at the counter. "So your Addison" he questions me

"Um yes how did you know?"

"Boss- I mean um" He gets nervous that he just said the wrong thing."I know about it" I say so he stops worrying."Oh did he tell you..."
"Nope good old father did."

He continues to cook. "Well hungry" He says bringing out a stack of pancakes offering them to me. I nod and give him a smile.

"I'm Lucas by the way"

"Nice to meet you" I say before taking a bit of the pancakes. I drop my fork after and ask "So where is Thomas."

"He should be back soon in the mean time we can just chat" He suggests. "Ok, well we are now friends" I say.

"Oh are we now?" He exclaims. "Duh" I scoff having another bite. "You made me pancakes" I pause chewing, "And that is one way to a woman's heart."

He laughs at me, "Your funny, I like you."
"Well I'm very likeable" I giggle.
"Thomas seems to think so too" He nudges my shoulder. I laugh and slightly blush at the thought of Thomas.


We talk for a while. "You did that, as if."
"I'm not fucking joking" I go to hit him for teasing me and he grabs my wrist holding them in place in the air.

Aaron comes into the kitchen. We turn to look at him and he walks away fast and quite grumpy.

Lucas drops my wrists, "I'll handle him." I say turning to say goodbye to Lucas.

I can see him down the hall in his office. I walk my way over and stand at the door with my head leaning against the frame and one leg across the other. I stand silently for a moment. "What is your problem?" I say crossing my arms.

He turns to look at me rubbing his face. " What's happening with you and Lucas?" He begins to claw his fists. "Is this what your silent blowup was about?" I walk over to him. "You're fucking dumb sometimes" I give him a light tap on the bed.

He widens his eyes. "Lucas and I are friends." He furrows his brows. "Friends?" He asks. I nod my head grabbing his hands and releasing his fist.

"Now we have something to talk about?" He swallows hard in anticipation. "I know about you and all the mafia shit."

"But I thought you had no idea because-" I cut him off, "I didn't until..." I stop talking and get nervous.

"You can tell me" His gaze softens. "My father told me how I've been a mafia princess since the day I was born and um how you are a really bad person and I have stay away from you" His jaw tenses. "But I didn't care and I said I didn't want to and then he um-" I pause thinking.

"Then he um hit me and um-" tears fall down my face. He catches them and cups my cheek. I couldn't make eye contact with him. "I had no where else to go so-" I fully break and become a cry mess. Covering my face and falling into his grasp. I couldn't finish my sentence thinking about it makes me cry even more.

He wraps his arms around me and brushes his finger through my hair and down my back for comfort. "It's not your fault" He reassures me. "Look at me" I turn and bite bite my lip and I meet his eyes. I could barely even see and my eyes had tears welled up in them.

"I will keep you safe, he won't even get close to you or anyone for that matter when your with me" He made my spirit be lifted a little bit but I hide my face back in his chest.

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