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Thomas' POV

After the night I've had i think i need some fucking good coffee, I didn't sleep at all, I never really do. "Where's boss going" someone says, i hear whispers upon the men. "Wherever the fuck I go is none of your business, get back to work before i slit your fucking throats" I shout. Everyone stares blankly then goes back to whatever they were doing. I walk out the room annoyed by what happened last night and just now. Last night I was trying to get intel on who the fuck is messing with my business. Multiple supplies have gone missing and funds have been transferred to different accounts.

I enter the cafe door and this woman falls onto my chest. I am met with coffee all over me. She looks up into my eyes and I immediately notice her eyes. Oh my god they were the most beautiful shade of blue. I notice how small she is compared to me. "Oh I'm sorry" She says as she turns around and grabs some napkins and slaps them onto my chest for me to grab. I was hoping she couldn't feel my heart beating out of my chest when she touched me. Whoever knows me would never touch me, let alone me let them. But when she did I didn't stop her. I grabbed the napkins from her hand lightly brushing our finger tips. I was feeling weird like something never before. Describing her beauty was impossible, she was the definition of perfect, no flaws. I forgot that i hadn't said anything so i said the first thing that came to mind. " Watch where you're going next time." Why did i just say that? I guess out of habit or just like a defence mechanism, not sure just what left my mouth without thinking. She looked really pissed off as she was leaving i fell back to cold like I always feel, not just the outside but inside too. "No need to be an asshole" She rolls her eyes. I can't believe I let her get away with that. I'm surprised she even had the courage to say that to me. She's feisty, I like that.

Addison's POV

When i arrive at the meeting all eyes are on me. My brother Matteo drags me aside.
"Addie where have you been"
"Well i was coming then there was this asshole and yeah"
He nods "Try be on time next meeting."
"I don't even see the point in me even coming."
"You don't understand ads."
"No shit sherlock that's what I just said. I'm never allowed to know anything your talking about or any information about the company, for god sakes I don't even know what the company is."
He nods agreeing but annoyed that I'm arguing. As i turn around I hear my father scream very loud at one of the men. "Um you better get out of here."
"Are you fucking for real I just got here, but whatever" I say as i exit the building. I message Belle and Nora to see what they are doing.

Belle: Just got off of work x

Nora: Busy right now but later hang?

Belle and I thumbs up react to her message.

Nora: Coolio surely like a new club we haven't been to

Me: Well I just got unofficially kicked out of a meeting I never was in so I would be happy for a drink. Meet at mine let's say 7?

Belle and Nora, heart reacted to your message.

I smile at my phone. Nora has always been so enthusiastic and excited about things, never snappy, kinda my opposite, how are we even friends. Us being different helped me through a lot over the years when some stuff happened, I don't like to talk about it, like ever. Nora and I met Belle from going to the cafe so much during some rough patches in my life. Now we are a cute little trio. Everyone starts to arrive at mine. We get ready while blasting some music and put on the hottest outfits ever. I put on a red set with sparkle straps.

 I put on a red set with sparkle straps

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Addison's Outfit

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