29 | Belle and Mystery Man

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The morning came and we spent the night in each other's arms. I decided to do something. He had probably already seen it but not in depth.

I pulled the blankets down exposing some of my naked body to him. "Round 2 already?" He chuckles. I hit him in the shoulder and shake my head.

"Give me your hand" I say to him. Obviously he listens and holds out his hand for me to take. "Close your eyes" I say. As he does so I move his hand to touch...my scar.

His hand covers the scar as he feels and opens his eyes to look at it. His expression didn't seem disgusted which made me less nervous. He rubs his thumb over it looking down on it before going to my eyes.

"Why are you showing me your scar?" He asks with empathy. I shrug, "I wanted you to see the real me."

He smiles, "I already know the real you, a scar doesn't define anything about you. And I think it's beautiful anyway."

"I really love you" I say as I leaning forward wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I think we both know I love you more" He says while pulling my body closer to his. I peck his lips as a bright light comes in from the door. Ah.

Thomas instantly pulls the blankets over my body and pulls me closer to him. "What the fuck Nicholas, get out" Thomas says.

"Woah! Um happily" He says closing the door as he walks out. Thomas gets out of bed and grabs his sweats putting them on.

"Let me see what he wants" Thomas says, I nod as I get up to find some clothes to put on.

I walk out of our room to see Thomas and Nicholas arguing it was quite funny to see. I see Alex sitting downstairs on the couch. I sit next to him, he ignores my presence but that's okay. I know how much he actually loves me.

"So do you know where Nora and Belle went after the pool party yesterday?" I asked Alex thinking he would know the answer as he was the main party boy I would say.

"Hmm well I think Nora left when everyone got kicked out but Belle she left because some guy didn't see his face or catch a name came to pick her up. Which was weird because Nora drove them both here so yeah" Alex explains.

"Oh right" I say. I hear Thomas and Nicholas upstairs start to raise their voices at each other again. "What are they arguing about?" I question him laughing.

"Well Nicholas first came in your room to discuss stuff for the wedding but you two weren't wearing anything so now Thomas is mad that he was staring at your body basically and he didn't shut the door right away" As Alex tells me I just giggle.

Thomas and Nicholas come down the stairs and as we see them Alex and I started cackling. Both their facial expressions were so funny we couldn't take it. Nicholas is over it and walk away, I know he found it funny as well.

I get up from the couch and laugh while I walk over to Thomas. I look up on him and cup his face with my hands. "You're so cute when your mad" I say.

His eye brows furrow. "I am not cute" He grunts. "That just made you even cuter" I said pecking his lips and walking away. "Oi you" I say to Nicholas pointing at him. Nicholas walks over to me.

"So wedding stuff...say" I encourage him moving my arms to get him started.
"Okay um pearls or diamonds"

"Diamonds duh"

"Red roses or white roses"

"Too hard both"

"How would you like the tables to be set up?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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