19 | The Act

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The past couple days Thomas has been acting off. Every time I talk to him he seems very on edge. He is always in his office. I always hear him yelling at someone on the phone then throwing stuff at the walls.

I don't think he has slept, he never really does. I tried to help him the other day and calm him down and he yelled at me. He never raises his voice at me. Something must be seriously wrong.

After the talent show, I didn't know what Thomas and I were. But I think we both realised we are friends...I think. Is he pushing me away because he doesn't like me anymore? Does he dislike me now? Did he get sick of me?

All these questions were going through my head. Nicholas told me that he is usually cold and rude to everyone but me. Am I just like everyone else now?

Does he no longer care about me? Should I talk to him? It may be best to leave him alone. I don't feel like getting on his bad side.

But what was he so angry at all of a sudden. The past week of living with each other has been great and we were growing closer. He took care of me after the incident with my father, does he no longer feel a reason to be nice to me or something. Was he pretending the whole

"Nicholas I have a question?" I said. "Go on" Nicholas said. "Why was the reason he has been cold and cruel these past years?" I ask.

"Well he had to take over his father mafia at just 18 and his father never believed in sympathy or love. So the day he took over he completely shut down, had no humanity and went on a rampage of killing anyone who defied him or wouldn't do his direct orders" Nicholas says.

"Oh how do you know?" I ask. "Well I've been his right hand man through it all. I've seen him in the past but you completely changed him" Nicholas says.

"Well I feel like now he is going back to the old him" I pause a but in between my sentences "He has been really uptight the past couple days and he even yelled at me the other day and he never does that, I just don't know what to do" I tell Nicholas.

"I don't know what's happening with him, try talk it out" Nicholas tells me. I nod and leave from where Nicholas and I were talking.

I will talk to Nicholas after he has comeback from the warehouse, someone told me they had an important thing they had to do.

It is like 10pm and Nicholas should have been back hours ago. My eyes begin to drift off to sleep until I hear the front door slam shut. I get up and walk over to the railing looking down at who has walked in.

Nicholas. He heads for the bar area in the kitchen room. I tip toe down the stairs and follow him into the room. He pulls the whiskey down from the shelfs and slams it into the counter.

Then he grabs a glass from the cabinet and purses whiskey into it. He chugs the glass then pours another one. I enter the room.

He reaches for his gun in the back on his pants and turns around and puts it up in my direction. I flinch and throw my hands up.

He stares at me angrily and lowers the gun. Turning back around taking another large sip of his whiskey. "Slow down on that" I say.

"It doesn't fucking matter, nothing does" He said with no emotion. "What is going on with you?" I say angry and concerned.

"Nothing" He grunts.
"I'm not leaving until you tell me" I cross my arms. He looks back to me and rubs his face with one of his hands. "Leave" Thomas says.

"Fine, I'll be upstairs" I say about to walk away. "No, I mean out of my house"

"What do you mean I thought you were going to look after me after..." I don't finish my sentence. His eyes start to water "Did you really think I wanted you here? Nicholas forced me to pretend to care about all your bullshit. Don't you get it, it was all an act. Do you really think I would like you?" A tear falls from his eye, his lip quivers into a fine line.

I'm shocked I don't understand what he is telling me right now. "You fucking asshole, I always knew you were exactly how people described you" He seems hurt by my words.

He grins his teeth together. "Get the fuck out of my house right now" He orders me. "Gladly you arrogant son of a bitch" I say, I run up stairs and grab some of my stuff and I stomp downstairs.

I look back at him, him chugging from the whiskey bottle now. I pull the door open and walk out of his house, not bothering to close it. Tears begin to fall from my eyes as I make my way down the street. Where do I go?


I knock on the door. Nora opens it, "Addie where have you been." I shake my head not wanting to talk about it. "Can I stay with you for a bit?" Nora nods and opens the door to let me in.

We walk up to her room and I dump my stuff on the bed and instantly drop to the floor. I lay on the floor on my side and let the tears go from my eyes. I don't know what to think.

Thomas faked it all. How can someone possibly do that? Well apparently him probably because he is fucking mafia boss. "What happened you can tell me?" Nora asks.

"I- I can't I-" My breathing quickens. "Shhh it's okay, do you need anything?" She asks. I shake my head burying my face in my hands letting out a huge sob.

Now that It's all over I miss him. Even if it wasn't real it was the most memorable week of my life.


Nora comes into my room at her house, they gave me the guest room. I'm sitting in my room against the headboard and staring at the wall. "Addie you have to eat something you haven't had anything in almost a week" Nora tells me. A week...a week since...

The thought of eating makes me feel extremely ill. The memories of him come flooding back everytime. The breakfasts in bed, the restaurants dates, the times we spent together just I can't deal with it.

I don't reply to Nora. One because I did that have the energy and Two I felt lifeless without his presence.

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