3 | Who is that girl?

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We decided to go to a new club tonight. Since we all freshly turned 21 we have been going out a lot. As we walk in the air is filled with drinks on drinks on drinks and strong cologne. We reach the bar ordering multiple drinks and some guys come over and start  to talk to us. As the night went on it all became a haze. "We are going to tbe bathroom" Nora and Belle yell over the music. I give a thumbs up while slumped over the counter I brush my hair with my fingers and regain consciousness. The two walk away and I get up to go dance. I was just moving my body to whatever music was playing.

Everyone was watching me and circling around me as i danced to the music's rhythm. Some guy steps into the circle formed around me and starts dancing with me until he grabs my waist then goes down to my ass and thighs. I struggle to push him away, as the alcohol was getting to me. My breathing starts to quicken. "No no no please stop" I start shaking and cannot even move. He didn't stop, he kept his hands all over my body, while I was still trying to get free. "Get off me" I yelled. All the memories were coming back I couldn't take it. "i c- i can't- breathe-" my body and mind are about to give out as a strong dominant arm wraps around me pulling me out from the mosh. I somehow felt safe. "Just breathe for me okay?" the person says but was someone what tense from the situation that just happened. I couldn't see who it was because my eyes were flooded with tears that i was fighting to hold back. The person starts to rub my back in slow motions, which helps me to contain my breathing back to normal. As i swallowed back my tears, my eyes become wide in surprise of the man the coffee shop.
"Hey Angel"
I stared at him blankly as he spoke.
"Good breathing"
He said as he loosened his arms around me to see my full face.
"Your the-" he cuts me off. "I'm Thomas and you are..." He looks at me waiting for me to answer. "I-I'm Addison" I sniffle. He nods and smiles slightly. "Let's get out of here okay?" He insists but was still sort of asking. I nod as he puts his hand around my waist to hold me up from being wasted. I slumped my hand to his neck pulling on him for support. "My friends I-" I spoke drowsily. "Don't worry I'll get someone to get them home safe."

Thomas' POV

My men came into the room I was in, chatting loudly. "What is everyone talking about?"  I questioned. "Are you being our boss or our friend" I roll my eyes hinting for them to just tell me. "Well downstairs there are these new girls we have never seen" "Oh my god fuck yeah, the one with the dark hair is so fucking fit, I want to rip all her clothes off of her" "She looks so hot tonight, I can't even" "Yeah I fucking agree" They all chime in. I'm interested in what girl they are talking about so I walk out of my office and over to the railing. One of my men point the girls out at the bar. She looked familiar yet not at all. She turned her head from the bar to the side where men were approaching her. As she did I saw her. The girl from the cafe. She was absolutely breathtaking. No wonder all my men were talking about her but their comments were inappropriate. A lot of people were coming up to her and her friends buying them all drinks and talking, a little too much for my liking. The men were looking at her as if she was some object just to use. She was so oblivious while talking to them and their eyes wondering all over her body. As the time went on her friends left her. The most stupidest idea ever, I think it's best if I look over her while she is by herself. She gets up and heads for the dance floor. She starts acting delirious and moving her body to the beats of the music.

(play music at the top of the page)

Baby, let me love you down
There's so many ways to love ya
Baby, I can break you down
There's so many ways to love ya
Got me like, oh my god I'm so in love
I found you finally, you make me wanna say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Everyone starts to form a circle around her watching as her perfect self dances. It makes me uncomfortable as i see everyone watching her move her body like...that.

I feel in love with shawty when I seen her on the dance floor
She was dancing sexy, pop, pop, popping, dropping, dropping low
Never ever has a lady hit me on the first sight
This was something special, this was just like dynamite

She kept moving to the music, catching the attention of the whole club and especially me. My men near me were so mesmerised by her which infuriated me to a whole new level. What are these weird ass feelings, I don't feel, but when it's her I- nahhhh she is just like another other girl.

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