6 | Knife

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Thomas' POV

It has been couple days since I made some deals at the yacht party. I was in my office finalising some documents when the men come in abruptly. "Boss the hot girl is back" they all start yapping about her. I was getting sick of it. "Can you stop sexualising everything about her?!" I grinned my teeth together. They all nod and head back out. Since she was here I've decided to check up on her. She was in the mosh dancing to Club Can't Handle me by Flo Rida.

I like watching her. She moves so gracefully. There are so many people that I can't find her anymore in the crowd so I go back into my office. About 20 minutes later the men are back in my office. I give them a what do you want look. "Sorry boss for inturpting we just got bored because now that hot girl has gone off with a guy" "Yeah I wanted her first" "If I just talked to her earlier" They all discuss how much they want her. While I'm in shock that she went off with another guy. It did something to me I don't even know. "How long ago and to where?" I say concerned. "Um like 10 minutes ago and the back private rooms, damn that guy is about to get lucky" he chuckles. I do not crack a laugh nor a smile. I storm out of my office. My first thought is she is drunk, she has no idea what she is doing. My next thought is that man better not her hands all over her right now.

I go down the stairs the make my way across the club to where the private rooms are. I hear screams coming from one of the rooms and my first thought is that could be Addie. I bash the door down and run in. I see her on the bed with him on top of her. Doing sexual stuff,
I guess you can guess what and she is basically unconscious at that point. I grab the guy and yank him off her, throwing him into a wall and him wincing in pain. "Baby, wake up" I say gently. "Tommy, hey" she says cupping my face in her hands and moving some hair from the front of my face.

She hisses in pain as I try to move her and pull her clothes back up. She sits up holding her head and looking at me to see what I will do next. The guy on the floor starts to get up again. I'm infuriated I can't believe this man just touched her, she is mine, he had no right to do that. And even if she wanted to do it, she couldn't fucking say because she can barely talk and is piss drunk.

I rammed him into the wall holding his neck. Tightening my grip. I don't know what is coming me over right now. I feel so much pain and anger and I don't know what to do. "You slime fucking bastard how dare you fucking touch her like that, your fucking disgusting" I spit in his face. "She looked so fucking good and god she felt good too" he smirks. "What did you just fucking say?!"
"I said she looked like she need some good fucking se-" I don't even let him finish his words as I grab a knife from my pocket.

His guys shoot wide open, "Man I- didn't mean what I said." "You should have thought of that before, you have made this ten times worse for your self" I say stabbing the knife into him lower abdomen. He screams in pain, "Get out of my sight before I-" I turn to see her.

I drop him on the floor him running out of the room struggling from the stab wound. "What's wrong?" She looks at me as if she has seen a ghost. Her eyes go from the knife back to me. I pick up on it. So I grab the knife and bring it to her. She flinches and jumps away from me and scoots away from me at a fast pace. I turn my head in confusion, "You know I would never hurt you." I move closer and crouch in front of her. She starts shaking rapidly.

"Get out, get out, get out, I never want to see you again, I- I can't" She gasps for air placing her hand on her chest and then running her hands through her hair and over her face. I got to touch her to calm for down. But she hits my hand away and yells, "No, no, no please leave." "But-" I am then interrupted. "I never want to see you again Thomas get the fuck out of my sight" She says stumbling and slurring her words. Then letting out a fat cry. I have no idea what is wrong I was trying to help. I leave the room and her alone.

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