28 | Pool

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I woke up to Thomas next to me. He looked so peaceful. The curtains weren't fully covering the window letting some light come in. As the sun glares on his face I place my hand on his cheek, rubbing his jawline with my thumb.

He tenses his jaw and then instantly relaxes as I continue. "Good morning" I whisper, not even knowing if he is awake. "Goodmorning Angel" He replies back, still with his eyes closed.

I didn't realise he was awake so when he spoke I instantly shot my hand of his cheek and got out of bed. The weather looks nice today.

I open the sliding door to the balcony and look down. I hear loud music and people yelling and cheering.

"Addie down here" Nicholas says raising his arm in the air to get my attention "Come down." I smile at him. As he points to the pool party happening

I feel someone press against my back. "What are you doing?" Thomas says into my ear. I breathe out heavily. He wraps his arms around me pressing my back into his chest. I could feel his abs against me.

I lean back into him, holding onto the top of his hands. I close my eyes and hum.

We stay there for a bit in silence and holding each other until Nicholas calls, "Stop being all lovey dovey and get down here." Nicholas then turns back around opening a bottle of alcohol and everyone cheers.

There were a lot of men, most of them I've never seen before. And there were a bunch of women, all trying to seduce the men, pathetic.

"Wanna go down there?" He asks.

I hesitated before nodding my head. If you're wondering, no he hasn't seen my scar. I decided to keep that to myself, it was just a really personal thing and I didn't want to even look at it.

We both walked in. He put on his trunks and I went into the drawer to find a good bikini. Ah this is the one.

(The bikini Addie is wearing it covers her scar as it is on her lower stomach where the bikini is hiding it

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(The bikini Addie is wearing it covers her scar as it is on her lower stomach where the bikini is hiding it. You know just go along with it xoxo)

I walk out of the closet and see him sitting on the best. He looks up from his phone to look at me then looking back down. But then looking back up and dropping his phone on the bed.

"Fuck addie, your gorgeous" He says rubbing his chin and his tongue poking into his cheek. He stands up and walks over to me. "As good as you look..." He begins saying as he puts his hands on my waist "You cannot wear that in front of everyone else."

"Why not?" I say confused. "You look too fuckin good" He mumbles but then going back to a normal voice "They don't need to see you in this." He says referring to all the men at the pool.

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