5 | First Dance

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(Addison's dress)

As we walked in, the yacht was filled with many men in tuxedos and so many gorgeous woman. There were a lot of people seeming to be making deals and having arguments.

Since I'm not allowed to socialise, I find the bar outside on the deck. "I haven't seen you around before" a man approaches me. He is covered in tats. He looked about in his 50s. "Hi" I say confidently chugging down my drink, facing the counter. When we were chatting he seemed to be getting the wrong idea of where this convo was heading. He places his hand on my exposed thigh from the slit of my dress. "Oh I think my brother is calling me" I made up an excuse to leave. He tightens his hold on my leg, pushing me back down into my seat, "Stay." "No thanks" I say trying to move away from him. "I told you to stay." "No I don't need to do what you tell me to do" I say angrily. I make my way off my seating until he grabs my wrist pulling me back. I struggle to get out of his hold, I was weak and wasted.

Someone interrupts the hold that the man from the bar had on me and threatens him off. "Thanks I-" I say rubbing my wrist then look back to see who the person was. Fucking Thomas the asshole. "Leave me alone ya dickhead." "I- Addison are you drunk right now, what have you had?" He says concerned. "Like two" I slur my words. "Two what" He looks at me figuring me out. "I don't know like bottles" I giggle and trip slightly. Him catching my arm. "What where you are going, it is dangerous here" He assures me. "What are you talking about" I say hearing songs I like coming on.

(play music at the top)
I stare up at him turning my head. Not a bad dance partner. "Dance with me Thomas."
"No I don't like dancing" He says. "Well I don't really care" I say as I wrapped my arms around his neck look up at him. He tenses from the contact, as he follows by wrapping around my waist. "You'll hate me, once you're sober." "I always hate you" I say giggling. As the music plays i move my hips to the beat making him following my movements.

Something must've gone wrong in my brain
Got your chemicals all in my veins
Feeling all the highs, feeling all the pain

Let go on the wheel, it's the bullet lane
Now I'm seeing red, not thinking straight
Blurring all the lines, you intoxicate me

Just like nicotine, heroin, morphine
Suddenly, I'm a fiend and you're all i need
All I need
Yeah, you're all I need

I turn around, my back facing to him and his hands lead to my lower stomach. I place my hand on top of his arms and down to his hands. Holding each other while dancing.

It's you, babe
And I'm a sucker for the way
that you move , babe
And I could try to run,
but it would be useless
You're to blame
Just one hit of you,
I knew I'll  never, ever, ever be the same

I look back to him, tilting my head to the side to see his face. He was already looking at me. We continue moving over bodies to the music. I slightly grind against him. Him releasing a moan from his mouth. "Fuck Addie" He says breathless.
We both leaned into each other. Our lips inches away from each other. He looks to my lips then back to my eyes repeatedly. The lights shine on him highlighting his gorgeous green eyes. Making his every movement so clear for me to see.

You're in my blood
You're in my veins
You're in my head  (I blame)
You're in my blood
You're in veins
You're in my head (I'm sayin')

I'm saying it's you, babe
And I'm a sucker for the way
that you move , babe
And I could try to run, but it would be useless
You're to blame (you're to blame)
Just one hit of you, I knew I'll never be the same

We continue to dance til the end of the song our bodies moving together as one. As it ends we stay holding each other. Staring into each other's eyes. Until I realise everyone is staring. I clear my throat, "Um thanks for the dance I guess." He smiles slightly at me. Some man comes over and Thomas had to leave. I don't know what just happened. Something came over me, I still hate him.

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