18 | Breakfast in bed

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Thomas and I get into his car and drive back to his house. "Who was that song about?" I ask
"You know who it's about" He says and I don't ask anything else.

"I have some work to do tonight and I'll be back in the morning" He says as we walk into the house. "Alright" I say and head upstairs to have a shower. I hear him leave the house while I was in the shower. How dare he not say goodbye to me.

Anyway I got out put my pjs on and sat in bed watching some rom coms. I don't understand love it's so confusing like these movies confuse me even more. When with Dylan I thought I was in love by it was just manipulation and deception so how am I supposed to know if what I feel with someone is real or isn't.

As it becomes late the Tv screen begins to fade away and my eyes become heavy.


"Good morning" Thomas says shaking me awake. "Go away" I say rubbing my eyes and face then hiding my face away under the blankets because it's so bright. "Sit up" He says. I am intrigued so I get up and sit against the headboard.

He brings me breakfast in bed aw. "How did you know I like pancakes?" I say. "Who wouldn't" He replies. He walks out of the room again and brings in a coffee about 5 minutes later.

"Here got this too" He says placing it on the bedside table. "What is it?" I ask

"Caramel Cappuccino"
"How did you know-" He cut me off
"Because I remember when we first met at that cafe on the corner of the street and you spilt your coffee all over me and yeah" He chuckles.
"Good remembering" I say taking a sip of the coffee.
"Hmmm that's fucking good" I say delighted.

He goes to walk out of the room. "Sit" I say patting next to me. He comes back over and sits next to me on the bed. I cut the pancakes up and I pick some up with my fork and give it to Thomas to eat. He opens his mouth and bites it.

I giggle, he had some maple syrup dripping down his mouth. I reach over to his mouth and I run my finger across his mouth getting the maple syrup off his face. I lick the maple syrup off my finger that had dripped from his mouth and he chuckles at me. We sit in comfortable silence eating my pancakes together.

"Do you want to come to a little gatho later? It will just be us, Nicholas, Lucas, Alex and then some other of the men that you haven't met yet but they are mostly chill" He says. "Yeah I would love to" I say taking the last bit of my food.

I hop out of bed and take my plate and mug. Then I start to walk down the stairs. Thomas comes behind me and takes them off me and goes in front of me on my walk to the kitchen.

"I had it sorted" I said as we reached the kitchen. He doesn't say anything and cleans my dishes plus the ones that were there already. Since he wasn't answering me, I grab the tap and spray it at him. Leaving him soaking.

Oops or maybe not oops. His hair was all wet, His white t-shirt was now see through and I had fun doing that. I laugh at him and he gives me an angry look. He reaches for the tap and spray the water all on me now.

I'm now soaking. I'm wearing a white tight singlet with little white booty shorts. So since now I'm wet...you can see everything. My tits and ass are basically out so I'm officially naked.

"What the fuck perv, is that why you sprayed me" I say knowing that wasn't the reason but it made it funnier. "No that's not what I um-" He jumbles up his words while looking at me scared by my angry face. I cackle at his reaction. "I actually don't care" I say. He then proceeds to look at my body and how I'm basically naked. "Can you stop, now it's getting creepy" I say causing him to go a bit red and rub the back of his neck.

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