8 | What is love?

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Addison's POV

After Dylan, I don't know how to love nor do I want to. Because was what him and I had even real. He made my whole life crumble until Nora helped me build it up again.

When I saw what Thomas did last night, I can't get it out of my head that, would he ever hurt me like that? He reminded me too much of Dylan. I couldn't deal, I was on my breaking point.

I am forgetting about Thomas, not that anything was happening between us I think. I don't think I can ever look at him the same again. To be honest that night dancing on the yacht was magical. He made my heart race a million miles per hour. Even though I was tipsy well a little more, I still remember how everything felt. How he hugged me so tightly, the feeling of our skin touching and his warm breath blowing on my neck.

As far as that goes it doesn't get past the fact that he stabbed that guy. I can't with violence and knifes, thanks Dylan. Just that whole night was terrible I got sexual assault and he almost raped me. Until Thomas came in and saved me. He took it too far with the knife, he obviously had no idea of my experience with them but you don't just hurt someone like that. And why for me. I don't understand.

Thomas' POV
(A month later)

I miss her. She has decided to shut me out of life. I have barely even seen her or been with her but she was something else. She ignited something inside me. Made me feel alive for once. Made me get away from my mafia life and think about her, only her. Expect one thing has been bothering me why was she there, she isn't involved in the mafia, if so I would have known.

All the men start arriving back to the house. "Why is boss so moody" "I know he's been a grump since that night at the club" the men speak to each other. I get up off my seat, swipe all my papers and things off my desk on the floor. Some things breaking and causing a massive mess. It wasn't my concern right now. I headed down to my music room. It's where I go to just rethink things and tell my emotions through songs. I write them occasionally only when I have an idea. Recently I've been full of them, I wonder why.

I start messing with some tunes on my guitar, trying to find the best for the song that I just wrote. Each lyric was about her. The way she made me act and feel. Something about her calls my name. As I dwelled about missing her and writing songs, I came up with an idea.

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