26 | Cheater

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When I woke up, Thomas was gone. I pulled the covers off and looked at my leg. Before sliding off the bed and trying to walk. I made it over to the door and leaned against it catching my breath. Come on, I need to walk properly.

I make my way downstairs and to the kitchen. It was just Nicholas. "So Mrs Delgado?" He asked me. I sat on the bar stool next to him. I laughed "Not yet."

He gave me a look, "You have been apart of this family from the first time you ever walked through these doors." I smiled at him. "He went to the gym" He said knowing I was looking for him.

I got up and went over to the sliding doors. I pushed it open and headed into the backyard. I made my way down the stairs and into the gym. I hear loud grunts and pants.

I entered the gym and stood next to Thomas as he continued to punch the bag. He didn't even look at me, in fact he started hitting the bag harder. "Stop" I said. He immediately stopped and looked towards me.

Then he looked down at his fists. They were cut and covered in blood. He slid his hands over them. I walked over and pulled his hands back up so I could look. He didn't make eye contact with me, but he let me touch his fists.

I dragged him into the house. I found some bandages in the kitchen cabinet and wrapped it around his hands. I finished and he crunched his hands in and out. He then shook them off.

"So you going to tell me what the hell that was about? Why are you not wearing gloves?" I said. "I deserve the pain" He said whispering. "Stop that, why would you think that?"

"I hurt you, so I deserve to hurt too" I slapped him causing him to finally make eye contact with me. His eyes widened at my touch. "Stop being an idiot, I'm fine and you don't deserve to hurt, okay?"

"Okay" He said. "What did you say?" I asked as he said it too quiet even though I heard what he said.
"Nothing" He said. I smiled annoyed at his stubbornness. We went into the foyer and sat on the couch together.


"We should have a party here tonight" Alex said. Alex still doesn't like me very much but he seemed to now accept me. "Yeah it's been a while, oh hey you should invite Nora...I mean so like you guys can smooth things over and stuff" Nicholas said trying to find the words.

I nodded and looked back to Tom as I sat on his lap. "Okay fine" He said and pecked our lips together.


I messaged Nora to come to the party. Who knows if she will show up but worth a try. She said she wasn't made at me, she was just still angry with Thomas. It's okay we can sort things out tonight.

I wore a short black dress that hugged my body quite nicely. If you're wondering, I'm back to a healthy weight. Thomas wore black pants and boots, then a white half buttoned up shirt tucked into his pants, exposing some of his chest.

I sat on the bed waiting for him before going downstairs. He coughs as he notices me staring at him. I look away. "I didn't mind you looking" He said. "I was just teasing you."

He held out his hand for me to grab. I place mine in his and he pulls me off the bed.


Guests started arriving. A lot of men, and women, most of them are hookers or just some whores of some guys. I spotted Nora as she walked in the door. I make my way through the crowd, squashing against many bodies.

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