27 | Games Night

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Thomas' POV

"Oh why did you sleep down here?" Nicholas asked as I exited the guest bedroom. I rubbed my face awakening myself, "No reason."

Nicholas and I decided to make breakfast this morning together. "Breakfast time" Nicholas yelled. "Can you go get Addie? Because um she won't hear you if you just yell" I tried to make an excuse, not wanting him to know that ww weren't talking right now. "Um okay then" He said making his way upstairs.

Addison's POV

As Thomas left my room I pretended to sleep. But really I didn't. I would say like 3 hours maybe. I heard a yell from downstairs. What the fuck it is so early.

My door opened causing me to turn straight away to look. Oh it's Nicholas. I got scared it was Thomas. "Breakfast is ready, come downstairs" He said before closing the door.

I really didn't want to go downstairs because I knew Thomas would be there but I don't want anyone to know what happened. It would be so fucking embarrassing that he fucking cheated on me. I don't want them knowing.

I got up and put on a hoodie and keeping my pj top and shorts on. My hair fell to each side on my face. I put the hood over my head and went downstairs.

Everyone was down there already except me. They were sat at the table when I walked in. I sat down opposite to Thomas. I grabbed breakfast from the middle of the table. First the plate, then the pancakes, then the berries and then....

Great! Just great! Thomas has the whip cream right next to him. I lean over and to grab it. "Here you go" He said smiling at me. What the fuck does this man think he is doing. I shake the whip cream and then put it on my pancakes. I then place slam it down on the table.

"So what's going on, why are you so grumpy?" Nicholas joked with me. I shot him a death stare. "Sorry for asking" He said going back to eating his food.

I picked up my knife then aggressively started cutting. Everyone started watching me probably thinking what the fuck is wrong with this girl, is she mentally unstable?

I stopped cutting and froze. I then pushed back my chair standing up and picking up my plate and throwing it before storming upstairs.


I stayed in my room the whole day. I did not want to talk to anyone. Instead of being a loser, I got into different clothes, sweatpants , a singlet and brushed my hair. I made my way downstairs.

"Ah just in time" Nicholas said. "For what?" I said. "Family Game Night!!! And Nora is also coming" He replied. I stared at him with a what the fuck, hell nah face. "You're doing it" He said. I sighed and sat down.

Nora came through the front door. I immediately got up and went to talk to her. "He didn't mean-" Nora was saying before Nicholas cut her off, "Great everyone is here."

We sat on a couch in the foyer as Nicholas started talking. "Okay so the teams are Alex and Lucas, Nora and I and Thomas and Addie" I instantly turned to look at him. He looks at me and quickly turns away and looks at the floor.

"Okay so first game is Pictionary" Nicholas says breaking the silence.


"A bird, plane...um" Nicholas guesses as Nora draws. The timer goes off. "No you idiot it was a windmill, are you stupid?" Nora yells at him.

Next it Alex and Lucas. Lucas was drawing. "Dog" Alex guessed it straight away. Alex smirks back to me and I cross my eyes and roll my eyes. Thomas and I get up as it's our turn.

I walk towards Thomas and whispered"We are not fucking losing." You could say I was threatening him. He actually looked terrified or shocked that I was even speaking to him. I was drawing, "Mouse" He guessed it straight away. "Good to know you can actually be useful" I made a comment and he scoffed.

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