Chapter 2

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In just a week, the Disciplinary Committee has deducted countless points, leaving many freshmen at a loss.

As for the senior students, they can be divided into two groups.

One group always adheres strictly to school rules, ensuring they give the Disciplinary Committee no reason to deduct points, fiercely protecting their academic credits.

The other group is inherently rebellious, always itching to cause trouble but never daring to go too far, fearing irreparable consequences that could lead to expulsion. So, they balance minor infractions with vigorous participation in school competitions to earn back credits, simultaneously cowardly and arrogant.

"Zuo Luohuan is always a favorite among the latter group," a lean, fair-skinned male student enthusiastically explained to his roommate who was bent over, tidying up his bed.

Yan Yan's hands and feet were still not fully healed, making his movements slower than usual. After folding his quilt into a neat square, he stood up and stared at his roommate. "Zuo Luohuan is first on the academy's Red rankings. How could she be cowardly?"

"I didn't mean it like that," Ding Wuming replied with a good-natured smile. "Haven't you heard? For the past two semesters, she's earned enough credits within the first month of each semester to cover any points the Disciplinary Committee and teachers might deduct, then skipped classes for the rest of the term, only returning for final exams."

This left Yan Yan momentarily stunned. "How does she earn credits?" Recently, he had lost fifteen points at the school gate, leaving him with only five. He hadn't dared to act rashly since.

"There's a challenge hall in the school. You can earn one point in small matches or hundreds to thousands in big matches," Ding Wuming said, seeing Yan Yan's interest, and leaned closer to speak in a lower voice. "On her first day at the academy, Zuo Luohuan went straight to the challenge hall and challenged the top ten in both the Red and Alpha rankings, winning all of them. The seniors who had accumulated points for so long were left with just their initial scores."

Yan Yan's eyes lit up with excitement, clearly intrigued by the idea of the challenge hall. He immediately turned to leave.

"Hey, Yan, where are you going?" Ding Wuming called after him.

"To the challenge hall!"

"Are you sure you're fully healed?"


While the freshmen were still getting familiar with the campus, the seniors had already started their classes.

Before the class started, the teacher scanned the room and his gaze lingered on a particular student at the back, his tone ambiguous. "Next month, elective courses will begin. Some students shouldn't think they can exploit the credit system loopholes for another two semesters. Just so you know, the school is already discussing ways to reform the credit system."

"Why doesn't he just call you out by name?" Jiang Hong leaned back against the chain with his hands clasped behind his head, addressing Zuo Luohuan next to him.

Zuo Luohuan, idly tapping a pen on her desk, didn't respond to Jiang Hong. Her gaze was fixed on the student in the front row, following the clean line of his neck down his back. 

Although everyone's uniforms were the same, the one he wore seemed darker and better fitting. She realized it was the contrast with his fair skin that made the uniform stand out.

Her interest waning, she turned her head and asked, "Isn't his coming-of-age ceremony soon?"

"Who?" Jiang Hong asked reflexively, then caught on to who Zuo Luohuan meant. "Ji Yuezhi? It's on the twenty-eighth of this month. The Ji family will surely throw a big party, but..."

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