Chapter 10

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The party had ended by 10:30 PM, and by the time Zuo Luohuan arrived, all the guests had already left, leaving only the cleaning staff behind. Looking around, she realized she couldn't simply walk up to the house in her current state.

Glancing down at her bloodstained and soaked shirt, she decided to take a different approach. Lowering the car window, she took a photo of the Ji residence and sent a message to Jiang Hong on her device: 【Which room does Ji Yuezhi stay in?】

Jiang Hong replied: 【...It's his coming-of-age ceremony tonight. What are you planning to do?】

Ignoring his concerns, she messaged back: 【Which room?】

Jiang Hong reluctantly responded: 【Third floor, second room on the left.】

Zuo Luohuan looked up at the indicated room. From her vantage point, it appeared dark. Understandable, since Ji Yuezhi would likely still be with his parents. She grabbed the blue-and-gold gift box beside her and decided to climb up to the room, avoiding the guards to silently leave the gift.

The Ji residence's guards were more vigilant than those at the military archive building, but not as skilled as the one who had shot her earlier. It wasn't too difficult for her to sneak past them.

Scaling the wall to the third floor, she quickly opened the window and slipped inside just as the guards were about to pass by.

Inside the dark room, she straightened up and placed the gift box on the nearby table. She had about ten minutes until midnight, so the gift would still be delivered on his birthday. The expensive gift box made a slight noise as it was set down, and just as she was about to leave, she sensed something and quickly turned around.


After his speech, Ji Yuezhi hadn't stayed long at the party, choosing to return to his room to rest. It wasn't just the discomfort from his differentiation period; there was also the fact that Zuo Luohuan had left early. They hadn't met during her coming-of-age ceremony, and now they had barely seen each other at his.

Perhaps due to his poor mood, his gland at the back of his neck was also slightly inflamed. Ji Xixiu had checked on him twice, finally turning off the lights and telling him to rest.

Ji Yuezhi lay on his side but couldn't sleep. The gland at the back of his neck throbbed, and every time he closed his eyes, he saw the image of Zuo Luohuan raising her glass to him, slightly nodding. Compared to those around her, she was dressed casually in a black outfit, as if attending a different event altogether. Yet, even in such attire, she stood out among the formally dressed crowd.

She had never liked attending parties; her presence alone was a surprise. In the darkness, Ji Yuezhi's eyelashes trembled as he comforted himself. Seeing her once was enough to make him happy.

This self-consolation didn't last long. Ji Yuezhi soon sensed movement outside the window. His eyes snapped open, his expression becoming icily cold. He rolled off the bed before the window was fully opened, grabbing a light gun from under the bedside table and aiming it at the window.

Was this an assassination or a kidnapping attempt?

He swiftly ran through recent Federation events in his mind. Perhaps his differentiation threatened someone's plans. However, all his calculations vanished as soon as he saw a pair of hands appear at the window. The person climbing in was illuminated by moonlight, revealing a familiar side profile. His tensed arms relaxed, and his finger eased off the trigger.

As he relaxed, the intruder sensed the difference and spun around, her eyes locking onto the gun and the partially visible familiar face at the bed's edge. "...Ji Yuezhi."

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