Chapter 16

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Zuo Luohuan returned to her dormitory, overwhelmed with the chaotic scent of pheromones all over her body, and after taking a long shower, she skipped lunch and went straight to class.

The class at 1 PM was held by the Command Department.

Zuo Luohuan arrived early and chose a seat at the back, half-closing her eyes she leaned back against her chair, not noticing Ji Yuezhi entering from the back door and sitting in the front row.

Zuo Luohuan didn't open her eyes until the teacher arrived. Many students entered the classroom in the meantime, but no one was late for Jia Hailan's class.

Most instructors use the first class to outline the semester's teaching plan, giving students a mental preparation. Unlike Kang Guang, who started big on the first day, Jia Hailan used the first lesson to briefly talk about the history of command.

Already in his sixties, he was still elegant and composed, recounting heavy yet magnificent histories with ease, stirring students' interest in the course, which could be called an 'art.'

Listening intently, Zuo Luohuan admired his illustrious achievements. Years ago, he led a small army group to resist the elite forces of the Empire of Gashero for two full years until reinforcements arrived. Over the years, that group has become one of the most renowned armies in the Federation's history, yet Jia Hailan retired from his position of commander-in-chief at the peak of his career.

"...Today, there are nearly a hundred army groups of various sizes in the Federation, with fifteen listed in the Military Committee. The essential quality of every leader in these armies is command. A leader who does not understand command might win a few battles, but their army would not last five years," Jia Hailan said gently. "If any of you have similar goals, I hope you will learn command strategy well."

Jia Hailan's first class piqued students' interest in command. Many began to look forward to subsequent courses, a stark contrast with the instructors of the Combat Department who left students with trauma on the first impression.

The hour-and-a-half class ended quickly. Zuo Luohuan got up to go to her next class, noticing that Ji Yuezhi was heading in the same direction.

The last class of the day was He Yue's "Shooting Methods," along with "The Nature of Command" from earlier and they had these two courses together, though Zuo Luohuan wasn't surprised; even as an Omega, Ji Yuezhi's rank was higher than others. There were only so many high-level instructors at the First Military Academy, and as children of army group leaders, their paths were naturally similar.

The shooting class was outdoors and students gathered at the shooting training ground. Zuo Luohuan walked slowly, falling behind Ji Yuezhi, one walked in front, and the other behind. As they were nearing the training ground Jiang Hong cut in from the opposite direction.

He approached Zuo Luohuan, barely suppressing a smile, "I heard you got reported."

Zuo Luohuan: "..."

"Honestly, I think they're still not scared enough of you," Jiang Hong suggested seriously. "Once you're strong enough, they'll think twice before acting."

Zuo Luohuan glanced at him, "Indeed, you even ran away this morning."

Jiang Hong nodded affirmatively, "I was just in a hurry for class. Next time, I'll definitely bring you a change of clothes first."

Zuo Luohuan sneered, "There will be a next time?"

When they reached the shooting range, He Yue was already there, standing with her hands behind her back, waiting by a large basket of sniper laser guns.

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