Chapter 3

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Zuo Luohuan still had plenty of credits from the previous semester, so skipping a day of classes didn't affect her at all. Without hesitation, she climbed over the wall right in front of Ji Yuezhi and left the school.

Once outside, she headed straight home.

Her parents were not at home, so she didn't need to explain her sudden return. Zuo Luohuan walked towards her bedroom on the second floor, but halfway there, she saw the butler entering through the door. She stopped and asked, "Uncle Zhao, where are my coming-of-age gifts?"

A few months ago, Zuo Luohuan had briefly appeared at her coming-of-age ceremony before leaving and hadn't returned since.

"Miss, do you want to open your gifts?" Uncle Zhao thought for a moment. "Madam had them all stored in the warehouse."

Zuo Luohuan turned and walked back downstairs. "I'll take a look."

"Why have you come back so suddenly?" Uncle Zhao followed her, chattering away. "People from the school came by a few times last semester, saying you weren't attending classes and were causing a bad influence. The master managed to turn them away, but the madam was quite upset and wanted you to stay at school."

"She's upset that I didn't answer her calls." Zuo Luohuan stopped at the warehouse door and turned around for the butler to unlock it. "I won't be leaving this semester."

Uncle Zhao took out a card and swiped it on the door lock, then scanned his eye for the retinal lock. Only then did the warehouse door open. "It's good that you're staying. The madam and master will be pleased. But Miss, it's Friday today. Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

Zuo Luohuan paused. "I haven't been home for a meal in a long time, so I took leave to come back."

"Then I'll go prepare now." Uncle Zhao didn't enter the warehouse. He quickly turned to leave, intending to inform the master and madam that their daughter was home for dinner.

Once he was out of sight, Zuo Luohuan stepped into the warehouse. The first room was filled with her coming-of-age gifts, and from the luxurious packaging, it was clear that most of the items were very valuable. She scanned the room; the butler had categorized the gifts by the giver's surname, making it easy to find what she was looking for.

She walked over to one section, flipped through the gifts, and quickly found the one labeled 'Ji Yuezhi'. The name was written by the butler when he received it on her behalf to avoid confusion.

She pulled out the gift, tore off the label, and opened the box. Inside, a layer of white silk covered the gift, atop which was a gold-edged card with a single sentence: "Coming-of-age gift." The card was signed by Ji Yuezhi.

Zuo Luohuan's eyes swept over the beautifully written card. There were no well wishes for her coming of age or hopes for her future—just a straightforward note. The lack of effort was obvious, but... She traced the signature with her fingertip and suddenly smiled. In a slightly hoarse, teasing tone, she read aloud, "Coming-of-age gift, Ji Yuezhi?"

Putting the card aside, she removed the silk covering and found the gift lying on the raffia inside. Her eyebrows shot up, and she muttered Ji Yuezhi's name again, this time with a hint of irritation.

She picked up the gift, a black metal mask with vertical stripes, with a square mouthpiece protruding at the bottom—perfectly designed to cover the mouth.

—It was a muzzle.

Historically, before inhibitors were developed, Alphas wore muzzles when going out to maintain social stability. Once worn, the muzzle could not be removed by force, only with a key held by someone else. Omegas wore neck locks with similar functionality but different shapes and placements.

Muzzles had long been obsolete, only used by Alphas who couldn't control their pheromones, individuals nearly considered incapacitated.

Giving a muzzle was akin to mocking her self-control or suggesting she would lack it in the future. Quite a gift for her coming of age. The Ji family never missed a chance to take a jab at the Zuo family.


Zuo Luohuan's eyes narrowed as she examined the muzzle. Her fingers brushed the joints. Unlike the historical versions, which were made as a single piece, this one could be easily broken with a bit of force.

She lifted the muzzle and placed it lightly against her face, her gaze darkening. "Ji Yuezhi..." she muttered, "you seem to have confused a muzzle with a fetish mask."

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