Chapter 22

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"What are you two doing here?" Yi Tong had come to call Zuo Luohuan inside, but seeing her daughter and Ji Yuezhi standing so close together made her heart skip a beat. Subconsciously, she thought they were about to fight and immediately spoke up.

"Greeting guests," Zuo Luohuan swiftly removed the rose from Ji Yuezhi's ear and looked at her mother openly.

Yi Tong eyed her daughter suspiciously. If she had to pick someone likely to cause trouble, her first thought would be Zuo Luohuan. The Ji family's son was more restrained. Seeing the two had pulled back and looked like they hadn't had the chance to start fighting yet, she decided not to press the issue.

With that, Ji Yuezhi politely greeted Yi Tong and walked inside, leaving Zuo Luohuan lazily standing at the entrance.

"Are those Guan's daughter and her friend?" Yi Tong asked Zuo Luohuan, seeing two people approaching in the distance. "You go in first. I'll greet them."

Zuo Luohuan, already fed up with standing there, stepped inside without giving the approaching pair a glance.

Guan Xue and Qian Mao, who had been peering curiously from a distance earlier, now appeared completely proper and serious.


Zuo Luohuan weaved through the hall, heading upstairs to her room. After closing the door, she noticed she was still holding the rose.

She was about to throw it into a nearby trash can but instead, on a whim, sniffed the stem of the rose. It seemed to carry a faint scent that didn't match its icy owner.


The pale pink rose was tossed onto the table, rolling a couple of times before coming to a stop.

The farewell banquet wasn't lavish, but it was well-attended by many distinguished guests. Zuo Luohuan had barely rested in her room before Yi Tong called her out again.

When she went out, she saw her father mingling with high-ranking officials from the Military Commission. Zuo Luohuan, adopting a detached attitude, simply held a glass of wine and did nothing else.

Yi Tong didn't bother with her. As long as she was there, it was enough. People would think the Zuo family was absent if she didn't show up.

"Can you drink?" Jiang Hong appeared from somewhere, eyeing the half-finished glass of wine in Zuo Luohuan's hand. "Is Fang Yong doing his job or not?"

Zuo Luohuan swirled the wine in her glass. "Almost done. It should be over in a few days." The wound on her abdomen was almost healed, but the effect on her brain still needed a few days to dissipate with medication.

"That's good." Jiang Hong leaned against a long table. "Did you see Lieutenant He Yue? She just arrived."

Zuo Luohuan scanned the room, and indeed, near her father was He Yue, evidently arriving after Guan Xue and the others, so she had missed her during the reception.

"She's with the Cleaners now. Only your family could invite them here," Jiang Hong commented, not surprised at Zuo Luohuan's unconventional behavior, which she had clearly inherited from her father, Zuo Dihong.

It was a family trait!

"She's a Cleaner and an instructor at the First Military Academy. There are probably some school-related issues to discuss," Zuo Luohuan observed as more people gathered around, likely concerning the academy.

Jiang Hong scratched his chin, pulled out his communicator, and checked the information network for a while before looking up. "You're right. News just came an hour ago that the Federation Military Academy exercise has been moved up."

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