Chapter 23

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On Friday afternoon, the list of thirty-seven pre-selected cadets for the Federation Military Academy exercise was finalized. From Saturday to Sunday, thirty of these cadets would be eliminated, leaving seven to represent the First Military Academy in the exercise.

Both Zuo Luohuan and Ji Yuezhi were on the list. Unlike the usual chatter on the anonymous forum hoping for a clash between the two, this time the discussions were more focused on the competition with other academies. After all, the Federation Military Academy exercise was an external competition, and having more strong cadets increased their chances of winning.

【If our First Military Academy wins this time, it'll be our third consecutive win!】

【Given that this exercise is moved up by six months, and the other three academies have had more time to prepare, it might be tougher to win this time.】

【Is Zuo Luohuan definitely participating? Say what you will, she can fight.】

【And don't forget Senior Ji!】

Zuo Luohuan usually didn't care about forum discussions. At the moment, she was standing in front of the dormitory mirror, lifting her shirt to check the wound near her ribs. The wound had mostly healed, leaving only a few long, light pink scars.

Zuo Luohuan looked down, bit the corner of her shirt, and applied ointment to the scars. Although the ointment was only slightly warm, her face remained pale, and for a moment, she couldn't control the pain, pressing her hand hard against the mirror.

Her forehead rested on her raised arm, and her expressionless face stared at the floor, seemingly seeing nothing, while the mirror beneath her arm cracked around the edges.


The next day, a Saturday morning, thirty-seven pre-selected cadets gathered at the school gate, where the instructors were already waiting. The selection process was crucial for both the school and the cadets. Despite the assembly time being set for 8 AM, almost all the students had arrived early.

"Thirty-six out of thirty-seven are here," Bai Feng glanced at the students, "Zuo Luohuan is missing."

Kang Guang sneered, "She's probably still in her dorm. I'll go drag her out!"

"It's only 7:30," Jia Hailan said warmly. "Let's wait here."

Finally, just before 8 AM, Zuo Luohuan arrived leisurely, still buttoning up her uniform as she walked, showing no sign of haste.

Kang Guang: "..." This student always looks like she needs a beating!

"Everyone's here. Let's go," Jia Hailan instructed the students to board the vehicle.

They transported the thirty-seven pre-selected cadets to the training ground, where they would select seven participants for the exercise over two days.

"Are you okay?" Jiang Hong, who was at the back, stood next to Zuo Luohuan and asked quietly.

Although her complexion wasn't great, it was better than the past few days.

Zuo Luohuan fastened the last button of her jacket, "I'm fine."

Hearing her confirmation, Jiang Hong felt relieved. Fang Yong indeed did a good job.

The vehicle's interior was simple, with two rows of long benches and handrails spaced at intervals for passengers to hold onto. The thirty-seven cadets sat inside while the instructors traveled in another vehicle.

After Zuo Luohuan sat down, her gaze inevitably fell on the opposite row, recognizing several familiar faces. Guan Xue and Qian Mao were there, the latter likely recommended by the Weapons Development Department instructor. Yan Yan was also present, still sporting some facial injuries, probably from recent fights.

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