Chapter 25

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The phrase 'having a big fight' can have ambiguous meanings in certain contexts.

Ji Yuezhi's face remained indifferent, his deep black eyes glancing at Guan Xue: "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you cause a big commotion last night?" Guan Xue gestured upward, curious. "How did you end up together? No one expected you and Zuo Luohuan to team up."

"It was a coincidence," Ji Yuezhi replied, straightening his sleeves with an almost imperceptible care and reverence.

"If those people last night knew you two were working together, they probably wouldn't have come." Guan Xue said with a hint of schadenfreude. A single Ji Yuezhi was already formidable, let alone with Zuo Luohuan. Anyone wanting to stay in the competition wouldn't have taken such a risk.

Ji Yuezhi didn't respond. From the beginning, he hadn't expected Zuo Luohuan to collaborate with him. No one knew how happy he was when she came back after saying, "Suit yourself."

"Another one eliminated," Guan Xue said as she heard the broadcast and saw a red dot disappear on the communicator, noticing another red dot moving rapidly towards them.

It was the red dot representing Zuo Luohuan.

At the same time, other participants in the trial also saw the red dot's movement.

"First eliminated someone, then stayed in a deserted area for a while, and now heading back..." Jiang Hong stood under a tree, pointing to a spot where three dots converged. "Companions?"

He was contemplating who these four people were. Last night, nine were eliminated in one go. Including the three earlier, that made twelve, nearly a third of the pre-selection list. Among the eliminated were skilled individuals like Fu Wenyue and Chen Ce, as well as people from the Weapons Development Department. They were likely a coordinated group. The four remaining must be strong, possibly with valuable items in their backpacks.

Or maybe among the four, there was a master. Jiang Hong looked at the red dot heading back to the three-dot convergence, feeling a sense of arrogance from the dot's movements.

When the communicator first displayed the red dot map, Jiang Hong immediately noticed the four dots together. He quickly saw one dot leave towards another nearby red dot. Within ten minutes, an elimination signal sounded in that direction. The dot then moved to another deserted area, seemingly doing something unknown.

Casual and nonchalant. Jiang Hong couldn't help but think of one person from the dot's trajectory.

——Zuo Luohuan.

If the person yesterday was her, it made sense for twelve to be eliminated, regardless of what was in the backpacks. The only thing Jiang Hong couldn't figure out was, if the dot represented Zuo Luohuan, who were the other three?

Did Zuo Luohuan need to cooperate?

Probably just wanted to leave early.

After reasoning, Jiang Hong decided to head over and check it out, wanting to see who the other three were.

Elsewhere, Zuo Luohuan returned to the factory with a backpack full of water. She made a simple filter and started boiling the water.

"Clean yourselves up first," Zuo Luohuan handed a water-filled condom to Guan Xue, while she tended to the fire.

Exactly as Jiang Hong had thought, in such a situation, who else would bother with these things but Zuo Luohuan?

Guan Xue helped clean Qian Mao, who was covered in blood and had a high fever, needing to get out soon.

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