Chapter 7

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Even though she had already left the classroom, the impact of Zuo Luohuan's presence lingered.

The students who remained in the classroom quietly observed Ji Yuezhi.

Any Alpha on the verge of differentiating would find it hard to accept being pinned against a wall by another Alpha, especially when the one being overpowered was the head of the Disciplinary Committee.

This incident essentially crushed the prestige of the Disciplinary Committee.

However, Ji Yuezhi did not show any signs of losing his composure. He simply adjusted his military uniform, expressionless, and left the classroom.

Once he was gone, the room erupted in chatter. Some praised Zuo Luohuan's strength, noting that Ji Yuezhi hadn't been able to resist her at all. Others were sympathetic towards Ji Yuezhi, criticizing Zuo Luohuan for being too overbearing.

In less than half a day, the forums were flooded with posts about the incident, mostly condemning Zuo Luohuan's actions. As an Alpha who had differentiated long ago, her behavior was seen as excessive.

【I was in the classroom at the time. Ji Yuezhi refused to fight, so Zuo Luohuan simply pinned him against the wall.】

【That bad?】

【Worse. Before she left, she even taunted Ji Yuezhi, touching his neck. I think she might have touched his gland.】

The most prominent gland feature is in Omegas, who have a soft, slightly raised area on the back of their neck for Alphas to mark. 

Alphas technically have glands too, but they are insignificant. 

However, the importance of the gland area is well-known, and it is generally off-limits to anyone except close intimates. For the same sex, touching the back of the neck is a blatant act of provocation, often a way for the toucher to mock the touched.

【What was Ji Yuezhi's reaction?】

【He didn't react and just walked away. But I bet once he differentiates, we'll see some action.】

【Hope he differentiates into an Alpha and teaches her a lesson! Such undisciplined students will eventually end up like Ren Pingbo.】

【Maybe not as bad as Ren Pingbo, but still... it might be hard for Ji Yuezhi to differentiate into a stronger Alpha than Zuo Luohuan.】

【At least he won't be worse.】

The anonymous forum was abuzz with arguments, but Ji Yuezhi himself was not as upset as one might expect. Back in his single dorm room, he quietly sat down, his eyes cast downwards.

— A red mark marred his slender wrist, stark against his pale skin.

Ji Yuezhi raised his other hand, gently touching the red mark. When she had grabbed him, she hadn't held back, clearly seeing him as an Alpha on the verge of differentiation. If that weren't the case, she wouldn't have... touched him there.

Ji Yuezhi's fingers left his wrist and moved to his neck, his lips pressed into a thin line. Zuo Luohuan would never touch an Omega like that.

Ji Yuezhi didn't attend his classes for the rest of the day. Whether it was the emotions stirred by the incident or simply that the time had come, he began to show signs of differentiation: headaches, weakness in his limbs.

A typical differentiation period lasts two to three months, with the body needing time to adapt to the changes. The last few days are the most intense, but the rest of the time, the symptoms are mild enough to allow for normal activities.

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