Chapter 27

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The curtains were tightly drawn, shrouding the dormitory in darkness. Only a vague outline of someone lying on the bed could be seen.

Zuo Luohuan had one hand draped over her eyes, a thin blanket casually covering her waist. She slept restlessly, her face glistening with fine sweat as if she were having a disturbing dream. Her once relaxed fingers gradually clenched into a fist, and her body tensed.

Familiar pheromones filled the room, spreading unchecked. Zuo Luohuan momentarily sensed something was wrong. She had never released so many pheromones except during the few days she passed out from over-exertion.

However, these thoughts quickly faded as she focused entirely on the warm, soft body nestled against her. She looked down to see the person burying their face in her neck, exposing a fair and delicate nape. The gland was right in front of her, like an innocent young beast scared of what was to come but still offering itself willingly.

She tried hard to identify the other person's pheromones but couldn't remember the scent. All she knew was that it was an incredibly tempting pheromone to her. She couldn't control herself and pressed her hand against the other's gland, kneading it with a sense of absolute dominance.

The gland beneath her fingers was soft and warm, and the person in her arms panted softly in her ear. Finally unable to resist the temptation, she lowered her head and bit into the other's gland, marking and claiming them with her own pheromones.


Zuo Luohuan abruptly opened her eyes, waking up just as she was about to see the person's face in her dream. She propped herself up on the bed, breathing heavily, unable to regain her composure for a long time.

That kind of dream...

Zuo Luohuan withdrew her hands to cover her forehead and cursed softly.

It was just a nap after morning classes, yet she had such a dream. Zuo Luohuan got out of bed, walked to the window, and yanked the curtains open. The setting sun immediately flooded the room, reflecting in her eyes.

Only then did Zuo Luohuan fully wake up and calm down.

She went to the bathroom to freshen up, changing into her military uniform. There was still more than an hour before training, so she decided to head over early.

Today's training was combat, led by Instructor Kang Guang, whose classes were always intense – perfect for burning off excess energy.

Downstairs, Zuo Luohuan opened her locker, took out the weighted straps, and secured them around her wrists and ankles before leaving.


By the time the other six arrived one after another, Zuo Luohuan had finished her run and was resting by the training field fence.

"Why are you here so early today?" Jiang Hong, the first to arrive, walked over, kicking the iron fence and looking at the sweat on Zuo Luohuan's forehead. "Sneaking in extra training?"

Zuo Luohuan lazily lifted her eyes. "Is that a problem?"

"What's wrong? Still in a bad mood?" Jiang Hong, knowing her well, sensed something was off and asked curiously.

Zuo Luohuan leaned back slightly, her gaze unconsciously falling on the entrance to the training field where Ji Yuezhi and Ding Wuming walked side by side. They seemed to have come from the discipline office and were still chatting.

The lights on the training field were too bright, making her feel slightly dazzled.

Jiang Hong, not getting a reply, turned around and sat down beside Zuo Luohuan, waving a hand in front of her eyes. "Who are you looking at?"

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