Chapter 17

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That night, many cadets in the Information Department didn't sleep. The top fifty names on the Red Ranking were primarily freshmen and sophomores. Freshmen had fixed class schedules that were publicly available, so a quick academy portal login would reveal everything. However, sophomore schedules were 'customized,' and class selection had been ongoing for a week without being finalized. The cadets began using various methods to inquire and eliminate options.

Among the top fifty on the Red Ranking, aside from a dozen new entries from the previous month, the rest were all sophomores. Some had disclosed their schedules to friends or in other settings, and the Information Department cadets quickly gathered accurate schedules from forums or class groups.

For the remaining eleven who hadn't disclosed their schedules, the cadets could still gather information from classmates with the same instructors. With three compulsory courses and two elective courses this week, the Information Department cadets studied the backgrounds and personalities of these eleven to deduce likely course selections and complete the schedules.

This was a massive project. The novice cadets, each with bloodshot eyes, employed various methods, managing to fill out fifty schedules by dawn.

Jiang Hong had coincidentally chosen this course. Although the Jiang family wasn't part of any of the fifteen major military factions, it was an indispensable part of the Federation due to its expertise in information gathering. Growing up in such an environment, this assignment was easy for Jiang Hong. He also knew one more person.

Zuo Luohuan had shown him her schedule that day.

Collecting and reasoning, Jiang Hong completed the fifty schedules by 1 a.m.

Jiang Hong poured himself a glass of water and returned to his desk. He glanced at the anonymous forum's challenge regarding Ji Yuezhi's schedule and smiled. This kind of information gathering wasn't too difficult.

Ji Yuezhi had one compulsory course with him. Jiang Hong stroked his chin, recalling that Ji Yuezhi and Zuo Luohuan were heading in the same direction earlier that day, where Jia Hailan's class was held.

Jiang Hong added "Nature of Command" to the schedule, including the course name, instructor's name, time, and location.

Based on Ji Yuezhi's background, his other compulsory course would likely be in the Weapons Development Department. There were six popular instructors in this department, three of whom taught sophomores this year.

Jiang Hong pulled up the profiles of these three instructors. One specialized in general mechanical weapons, and the other two in aerial combat. The Ji family excelled in general mechanical weapons, so Ji Yuezhi would likely favor the area where the Ji family was slightly weaker.

Finally, Jiang Hong had to eliminate one instructor.

After repeatedly examining the instructors' profiles and their relationships with the Ji family, he suddenly remembered a comment from Instructor He Yue earlier that day and revisited Ji Yuezhi's two compulsory courses.

Jia Hailan was an Alpha, He Yue was an Omega, and the remaining instructor...

Among the two instructors in the Weapons Development Department, one was indeed a Beta. Jiang Hong decisively added "Bai Feng's 'Weapons Research'" to the schedule.

If his guess was correct, Ji Yuezhi was probably a perfectionist.

There were still two elective courses to consider. Knowing Ji Yuezhi had chosen courses in Command, Combat, and Weapons Development Departments, he likely chose one elective each from the Naval and Information Departments. Given he didn't select a solo combat course, he might have opted for it as an elective.

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