Chapter 30

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Ji Yuezhi led Qian Mao and Ding Wuming through the silent night, moving cautiously against the wind. They slowed down after a while, waiting for Zuo Luohuan and the others to catch up.

"The speed of the Gashero robot dogs is insane," Qian Mao said, still shaken. "And that was just the first generation. How powerful must the second generation be?"

Years ago, the Gashero Empire nearly annexed the entire Federation with their second-generation robot dogs. The Federation's current border was reclaimed at the cost of many lives. The second-generation robot dogs not only had increased speed but also came equipped with laser guns. The Federation's laser weapons were reverse-engineered from captured second-generation robot dogs.

A special metal found only in the Gashero Empire was used to make these robots, which is why the Federation couldn't produce their own robot dogs.

"No matter how strong they were, they were eventually pushed back by the army," Ding Wuming added. "The Gashero Empire is no match for the Federation now."

Qian Mao wasn't comforted by this. Instead, he felt a sense of determination. He resolved to develop advanced weapons for the Federation to ensure they could stand against the Gashero Empire without living under their shadow.

"So, why did you reach out? I'm injured..." Jiang Hong's voice came from behind as the rest of the group caught up.

"Qian Mao! Are you guys okay?" Qian Mao noticed them and waved.

Despite their preparation, this was their first real battle with robot dogs, so injuries were inevitable.

"We're fine, just some bruises and cuts," Guan Xue said, glancing at Zuo Luohuan. "She got slashed on the shoulder by a robot dog."

Qian Mao rushed over to check on Zuo Luohuan and saw a deep gash on her shoulder and back. "What happened?"

"Blame me," Jiang Hong said, looking grim. "I had a moment of distraction, and Zuo had to block a strike meant for me."

"Let's bandage the wound first," Ji Yuezhi said, suppressing his emotions. He took out medical supplies from his pack. "We can rest here for a while."

Having passed the narrowest part of the path, they found a wider area to rest. Zuo Luohuan sat on a low stone wall and took off her jacket. She looked at Ji Yuezhi, who had approached with the medical kit, and reached for it.

"...I'll do it," Ji Yuezhi said, insisting. "It'll be faster."

Zuo Luohuan noticed the others were also treating their injuries and shifted to give Ji Yuezhi space. "Thank you."

The stone wall was barely wide enough for two people. Ji Yuezhi sat next to her, close enough to touch. He opened the medical kit and examined the wound on her shoulder, his lips pressing together unconsciously.

"It looks worse than it is. No bones were hit," Zuo Luohuan said nonchalantly.

"Okay." Ji Yuezhi cut away the fabric around the wound and prepared a syringe with anesthetic. Just as he was about to inject it, Zuo Luohuan grabbed his wrist.

"I don't need the anesthetic. Just stitch it up," she said firmly.

"...We'll reach the endpoint tomorrow. There's no need to save anesthetic," Ji Yuezhi argued, frowning.

"I don't like anesthetics," Zuo Luohuan replied, her gaze steady. Anesthetics had no effect on her, so she preferred not to use them.

Ji Yuezhi put the syringe and vial away, disinfected the wound with an alcohol swab, and began cleaning it. Zuo Luohuan's expression didn't change, even as the alcohol stung.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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