Chapter 8

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That fleeting whiff of pheromones made Zuo Luohuan suspect that Ji Yuezhi's differentiation patch was fake, leaving her with little interest in the class.

After all, he was the young master of the Ji family. How did he always end up buying fake products?

She mused that although he had excellent talent and strength, living in the capital had made him too naive and easy to deceive.

Lost in thought, she realized the class was nearly over. Watching Ji Yuezhi stand up to leave, she quickly followed. Jiang Hong, noticing her absence, looked around and barely caught a glimpse of her disappearing through the doorway.

"Ji Yuezhi," Zuo Luohuan called out as she caught up to him, reaching out to pull him aside. "Skip the next class."

The grip on his wrist was lighter than the previous day, but Ji Yuezhi, in his differentiation period, didn't feel much better. His dark eyes stared at her quietly. "Do you want to fight me again?"

Zuo Luohuan, who was always meticulous about her tasks, had deliberately provoked him before to get the correct measurements for the neck lock. Fighting wasn't her goal. Now reminded of this, she wanted to tease him but noticed their classmates were coming out.

"I have something to discuss, not to fight." Zuo Luohuan, pulling him along, headed towards the infirmary, remembering they had emergency differentiation patches.

The First Military Academy had self-service infirmaries in every building to prevent accidents, and they reached one quickly.

Zuo Luohuan led him inside and let go of his hand, leaning against the door. She eyed his neck. "Did Ji Xixiu not give you proper differentiation patches when he took you home?"

Ji Yuezhi pursed his lips, contemplating her meaning.

"Change to a better patch. I smelled your pheromones in the classroom." She pointed to the rack behind him and then turned to leave, closing the door behind her.

While they were both Alphas, differentiation was still a private matter. She stepped out to give him privacy. Once outside, she wondered if she should wait for him to change, thinking about the potential embarrassment if someone else walked in.

Inside the infirmary, Ji Yuezhi finally understood Zuo Luohuan's concern. She thought his differentiation patch was inadequate, causing pheromone leakage.

The patch was a hospital-grade product and shouldn't have allowed any pheromones to escape. Considering another possibility, his neck suddenly felt warm. He pulled a new patch from the rack, stood by the mirror, and replaced the old one.

Afterward, Ji Yuezhi took a moment to compose himself before opening the door.

Hearing the door, Zuo Luohuan turned. "Changing a patch took this long?"

She stepped closer, reaching out to check if he had applied it correctly, suspecting he wasn't adept at using the infirmary patches. As expected, the precious Ji family young master had been coddled too much.

Before she could touch him, Ji Yuezhi knocked her hand away, his voice as distant as ever. "Thank you for the reminder."

Zuo Luohuan glanced at her hand, her casual smile fading slightly, though her lips curved upwards. "No need to thank me. I just don't want to smell your pheromones."

Alphas typically disliked the scent of another Alpha's pheromones, as it inevitably led to a power struggle. Her statement was too reasonable and common.

This time, Zuo Luohuan turned and left without lingering. She missed the subtle change in Ji Yuezhi's expression and didn't see the discarded omega-specific patch in the trash bin.

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