Chapter 12

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Ji Yuezhi's differentiation into an Omega spread through the First Military Academy like wildfire.

At first, when people saw the post on the anonymous forum, they dismissed it as a joke. Ji Yuezhi, an Omega? That would be the biggest blunder of the year for the Federation if it got broadcasted.

Ji Yuezhi's fan club members were outraged, vowing to find the poster spreading such false rumors. They argued that if Ji Yuezhi were an Omega, there wouldn't be any Alphas left in the military academy. It was simply absurd.

However, another post soon appeared on the anonymous forum, shaking everyone's confidence.

【I just came back from the registration office. Was that Ji Yuezhi who just walked out? Animation.gif】

The six-second clip showed Ji Yuezhi in a simple white shirt and black pants, walking out of a door. He seemed to sense something and suddenly looked towards the camera, giving the impression that he was looking directly at the viewer. His narrow, beautiful eyes were chilling yet inexplicably alluring.

The first time people opened the animation, they were completely captivated by Ji Yuezhi, unable to notice anything else until the poster reminded everyone to look at the sign above the door behind him.

【Omega Registration Office? No way!】

【I don't believe it. This animation must be Photoshopped.】

【The poster must be trying to fool us with a fake image.】

The Federation mandated that those who completed their differentiation must register their status at the registration office. The Alpha, Beta, and Omega registration offices were separate, with no mix-ups allowed. The only reason an Alpha would enter the Omega registration office would be if they were forcibly thrown out.

In the clip, Ji Yuezhi was seen walking out of a door with a large sign above it: 【Omega Registration Office.】

Despite this, many people still struggled to believe the animation was real. Before differentiation, Ji Yuezhi had defeated Xiang Chengping, who wasn't even a top Alpha. Who could be if not Ji Yuezhi?

The debate didn't last long, because Ji Yuezhi returned to class.

Ji Xixiu personally dropped him off at the school gate before heading to the Military Commission. Ji Yuezhi had classes today. He lowered his eyes to recall his schedule, paying no mind to the numerous people on the roadside staring at his neck.

With the differentiation period over, Ji Yuezhi could fully control his pheromones and no longer needed to use a protective patch. People on the roadside couldn't detect his pheromones, leaving them unsure whether he was an Omega or an Alpha.

From the moment Ji Yuezhi walked into the school gate, the anonymous forum at the First Military Academy exploded, frantically updating his every move.

【Ji Yuezhi must be an Alpha!】

【If, and I'm just saying if, Ji Yuezhi differentiated into an Omega, how would he beat Zuo Luohuan?】

【I've been annoyed by Zuo Luohuan for a long time. Ji Yuezhi must be an Alpha.】

Jiang Hong continuously refreshed the forum posts. With the Jiang family's information network, he knew sooner than the others. Just minutes after Ji Yuezhi entered the capital's Omega registration office, Jiang Hong received the news and was stunned.

How could a perfectly good Alpha turn into an Omega?!

Jiang Hong couldn't help but think about Ji Yuezhi's coming-of-age ceremony that night when Zuo Luohuan said she was giving him a gift. He wanted to ask her about it, but she hadn't come to class in days, and her communication link was unreachable. Who knew where she had gone?

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