Chapter 19

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Since Zuo Luohuan returned, Jiang Hong had noticed a slight change. She hadn't smoked before, but now she always had a pack of cigarettes, looking like a seasonal smoker.

Jiang Hong hadn't asked about it, knowing Zuo Luohuan's adventurous nature. She often tried new things on a whim, and smoking was probably just another phase. However, he often couldn't reach her through her communication device.

That, however, was unusual.

They had known each other since childhood, and with Zuo Luohuan's temperament, she would either answer the call or hang up, never letting it go to automatic reply because she found it annoying.

On Friday afternoon, Jiang Hong called Zuo Luohuan, shocked by Ji Yuezhi's course selections. He discovered she wasn't at school but at a busy intersection. The capital city was vast, with countless similar intersections.

Normally, Jiang Hong wouldn't have noticed anything peculiar, but by coincidence, he recognized a small restaurant in the background where they had eaten earlier that year, instantly pinpointing Zuo Luohuan's location.

The area didn't have much, except for a private clinic run by a doctor who almost had his license revoked and had some connections with the black market.

Jiang Hong hung up and, after returning on Saturday, remembered the people going in and out of that clinic, suspecting shady dealings. He used the Jiang family's information network to find out what Zuo Luohuan had done there.

The next day, he rushed to the Zuo family to confront her: "What were you doing at Dr. Yu Yong's clinic?"

"Keep your voice down," Zuo Luohuan, leaning against the window, said with a cigarette between her fingers, glancing at Jiang Hong. "My parents are upstairs."

Jiang Hong looked at her disheveled, lazy appearance, his face darkening: "You're afraid of being overheard? Zuo Luohuan, you've gone wild these years, even daring to touch drugs!"

"I don't understand what you're saying." Zuo Luohuan got up slowly, stubbed out her cigarette, and threw it away. "Stay for lunch?"


Jiang Hong suddenly lunged at her, pinning her arms and pressing her against the wall. He was even more furious: "Your condition is so bad even I can't ignore it!"

Considering the information he had found, Jiang Hong even suspected her previous visit to the armory wasn't just for stealing data but something more sinister.

With her face against the wall, Zuo Luohuan sighed: "Let go first."

Jiang Hong didn't let go, cursing: "You piece of trash!"

A bit louder and everyone upstairs would hear.

Zuo Luohuan pressed her tongue against her cheek and snorted: "I warned you."

She suddenly broke free, kicking Jiang Hong to the ground and pressing him down. The situation reversed instantly.

"No matter how useless, I can still beat you." She let go, stood up, and kicked Jiang Hong who was lying on the ground. "Get up, stop pretending."

Jiang Hong lay still, not wanting to move.

Zuo Luohuan saw him cover his eyes with his arm and asked: "...Are you going to cry?"

"Get lost!" Jiang Hong cursed quietly, "Don't talk to me."

Zuo Luohuan leaned back against the window: "I went to the clinic for treatment. Why are you so worked up?"

Jiang Hong felt she was lying, thinking drug addicts often lied. He sat up, his eyes red: "You think I'm an idiot? Yu Yong got a batch of stimulants from the black market last month and another batch last week. I checked, all ordinary people entered the clinic except you. Look at yourself, you look like a ghost."

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