Chapter 11

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"I heard the Ji family called a doctor over again today. I guess Ji Yuezhi is about to complete his differentiation. His differentiation period is really short," Jiang Hong said, sitting across from Zuo Luohuan and sharing the news. However, after talking for a while, he noticed that the person across from him hadn't reacted at all.

From the first class in the morning to the end of the afternoon classes, she had been in a daze all day. 

Jiang Hong couldn't hold back any longer. "If he differentiates into an Alpha, the first person he will target is you. When that happens, I bet the students at the First Military Academy will only listen to him, Ji Yuezhi."

Zuo Luohuan, who had been absent-minded all day, finally snapped back to reality and looked at Jiang Hong with an ambiguous expression. "Why does everyone assume he will definitely differentiate into an Alpha?"

Jiang Hong chuckled, slightly amused by Zuo Luohuan's question. "Do you think Ji Yuezhi could differentiate into an Omega? Are you afraid that if he differentiates, you won't be able to beat him, so you're hoping he becomes an Omega?"

Zuo Luohuan leaned back lazily in her chair, but she couldn't help but think about the scent of iris mixed with her own pheromones in her room last night. 

After taking the stabilizing agent, the Alpha pheromones had been circulated out.

He should be fine now.

Jiang Hong, who had been observing her, suddenly thought of something and leaned in, lowering his voice. "Zuo Luohuan, did you do something to Ji Yuezhi when you mentioned giving a gift last night?"

Zuo Luohuan recalled the unintentional release of her pheromones in her blood and felt a rare pang of guilt.

Jiang Hong's eyes widened as he detected her unease. "Damn, are you crazy? Ji Yuezhi is still in his differentiation period, and you did something to him?"

It's not surprising he was angry. Normal people had their principles and were supposed to be considerate towards those in their differentiation period. It was an unspoken rule in the Federation. 

Though Zuo Luohuan had some principles a few years ago, her actions had become increasingly unscrupulous recently, so Jiang Hong's suspicion wasn't unfounded.

"...No," Zuo Luohuan replied, her face darkening. "I wouldn't mess with someone in their differentiation period."

Relieved, Jiang Hong changed the topic. "Have you seen the news? The latest experimental light gun from the third floor of the armory was stolen."

Both of them knew who had snuck into the armory last night. Jiang Hong was just updating Zuo Luohuan on the follow-up.

"I haven't seen it yet," Zuo Luohuan admitted. She had been restless since returning from the Ji family last night and hadn't slept at all. She hadn't checked the news, so she opened her neural device and found the news Jiang Hong mentioned.

【Last night, a thief took advantage of the guard shift change at the armory building and stole the latest model SL-9 light gun. According to our investigation, it is highly likely related to a recent black market bounty. A complete SL-9 light gun is worth 5 million star coins. The guards have been strengthened, and we will continue to track the gun thief!】

The person speaking on the news was the captain of the armory guards, standing sternly in front of the media cameras.

Jiang Hong, resting his face on his hand, commented as he watched the news, "It's a clever move. The SL-9 light gun is highly sought after by various factions for research. The thief could be anyone, and no one knows their true intentions."

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