Chapter 15

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The classroom's ventilation system quickly cleared the pheromones. Within ten minutes, the air was clean, and the second-year cadets began to regain their senses. However, traces of pheromones still clung to them.

Especially for Zuo Luohuan, who had been so close to Geng Yingyu, her clothes and even her hair were drenched in the musky scent of an S-level Omega pheromone, which was one of the most challenging scents to desensitize to during training, filled with an overwhelming sense of desire.

"I'm heading out. I have another class to attend," Jiang Hong said, now keeping his distance from Zuo Luohuan, a stark contrast to their previous 'closeness.' He took off his military uniform, crumpled it under his arm, and hurried back to the dorm.

Kang Guang and the ten alumni had already gone next door to clean up and change, leaving the second-year students looking at each other awkwardly in the classroom. With no clean clothes, they could only stay until they felt it was barely acceptable to leave, then dash back to their dorms.

Eventually, the classroom was empty, except for one person.

Zuo Luohuan: "..."

She hadn't anticipated the first solo combat class to turn out like this.

Fortunately, the Command Department class wasn't until 1 PM. Zuo Luohuan stayed in the classroom until 10:30, when most students were in class, and then left.

Most combat classes were held in one building, filled with Alphas. As Zuo Luohuan descended the stairs, an Alpha coming out of the restroom saw her, smelled the Omega pheromones on her, and quickly retreated back into the restroom.

Zuo Luohuan didn't think much of it, focusing on getting back to her dorm to clean off the scent. She disliked having someone else's pheromones on her. However, she overlooked the fact that the Alphas at the First Military Academy saw her as a rival. Rumored to be the top Alpha in the Federation since she differentiated at fifteen, yet without any commendations, her Red ranking challenges hadn't earned her universal respect.

Would anyone have a favorable view of their opponent? No.

So that Alpha who had turned tail to the restroom immediately reported to the Discipline Office: 【Report! Second-year cadet Zuo Luohuan is walking around campus covered in Omega pheromones. Please take her away!】

Every Alpha Zuo Luohuan encountered along the way did the same.

The Discipline Office staff exchanged glances after receiving multiple reports. "The reports mention musky pheromones. Let's send Omegas and Betas instead of Alphas."

"Should we deduct points?" Ding Wuming raised his hand. "If no Alphas go and Zuo Luohuan loses control, what then?"

The senior cadet in the Discipline Office hesitated. "Cadets often get pheromones on them during combat classes. Usually, they just head back to the dorms, and we don't deduct points for that." Combat classes often got too intense, with bloodshed being common, and even the Discipline Office staff would sometimes get pheromones on them.

"So many Alphas reporting must mean she's covered in more than just a little Omega pheromone," another senior cadet pointed out. "Something might have happened. Let's have a few Alphas inject inhibitors just in case."

"What are you all gathered here for?" Ji Yuezhi, who had been undergoing his differentiation period and hadn't been to the Discipline Office recently, came by to see everyone huddled together.

The others sighed in relief upon seeing Ji Yuezhi and quickly briefed him.

Ji Yuezhi maintained his usual composure and said calmly, "I'll take some people to check it out."

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