Chapter 6

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"Ah, so the customer is preparing a coming-of-age gift," the manager said warmly after Zuo Luohuan hung up the call. "A coming-of-age ceremony is a significant event, especially for... it can't be taken lightly. We have some top-quality materials here, though they're a bit pricey, but they are perfect for making a coming-of-age neck lock."

For Alphas, an Omega's coming-of-age ceremony was as significant as a wedding. In the old days, once a relationship was confirmed, an Omega's coming of age meant the Alpha could fully claim them.

The manager thought to himself, this customer looks like a top Alpha. Despite having no pheromone suppression patch on the back of her neck, there was no scent at all, indicating extremely strong control. Usually, people like this had a much stronger possessive streak, making Omega-related business all the better.

Sure enough, the customer agreed in the next second.

"Since it's not a real neck lock, we should make it comfortable and attractive for the Omega to wear without being too restrictive," the manager said, bringing out a selection of high-end materials along with a large catalog. "These are design samples for reference."

Zuo Luohuan flipped through the catalog briefly before losing interest. "No need, I'll design it myself."

SinceJi Yuezhi had used a muzzle to mock her, it was only fitting that she respond in kind. A neck lock, especially one designed for an Omega, given to someone about to differentiate into an Alpha, would be even more impactful than a muzzle.

As she looked at the variety of materials, Zuo Luohuan suddenly recalledJi Yuezhi in his military uniform. Black seemed to suit him well. Remembering the elegant, pale neck she had seen from the back of the classroom, her throat inexplicably tightened.

She pushed aside the materials and picked out a piece of soft silk with a thin layer of black lace trim. It was semi-transparent, giving a faint hint of what lay beneath.

"This is top-grade material from Mo'er Star, reputed to be..." the manager began.

Zuo Luohuan interrupted, "I will pay for any materials I use. Now leave."

The manager was used to such behavior and was even a bit pleased. Alphas who didn't even want others to look were the best customers.


On Monday, Zuo Luohuan arrived at the classroom on time, making the teacher on the podium uneasy. 

Even sitting in the back row, her presence was overwhelming. The Beta teacher discreetly wiped his sweat, grateful that elective courses would soon begin so he could return to teaching freshmen.

"Although there are differences in the physicality between Alphas and Omegas, modern technology allows everyone to choose the courses they like. Shooting and combat courses are open to Omegas too. The nearest example is Major General He Yue of the 673rd Army under the Seventeenth Army, an Omega who consistently ranked first in shooting and never fell below the top three in combat during her school years. There are many other Omega and Beta role models in the school history exhibit, which I'm sure you've seen," the Beta teacher said seriously. "As for Alphas, you have a natural physical advantage. Especially as students of the First Military Academy, you are among the Federation's elite. I hope you all will work together to become the pride of the Federation."

After his speech, the teacher began explaining the elective course selection process and subjects in detail. Everyone listened attentively.

"Now, I'll distribute the pre-selection forms. You can indicate your preferred courses to familiarize yourself with the process. After the start of the month, you will fill out the official forms," the teacher said, handing out thick forms.

The Soft and Cute Omega MaleWhere stories live. Discover now