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Chapter seven

"I'm a perfect all American bitch." 

Having gone home and changed, Diana was wearing the lavender dress with her white gloves and a matching purple fascinate, as Belly was wearing her blue dress with her white gloves and a pink fascinate, their mom soon pulled up to the country club, as she parked, Diana and Belly got out "thanks, mom." the two told her, as they began walking "sure." their mom told them, watching them walk off, she couldn't stand it "girls." she told them, as Diana and Belly stopped turning to her "I just want you both to know if you decide you hate it or if the girls are mean or even if the food is bad, you can text me. I promise I won't say, I told you so." their mom shared.

"Mom, we've handled worse then these girls on the volleyball court, we'll be fine." Diana shared, as her and Belly turned to leave "humor me?" their mom asked, as the tow turned back to her "use our code phrase and I'll be right there for either of you." their mom shared "mom." Belly and Diana told her "you remember which one was yours from when you were little, right?" their mom asked "lemon jelly Belly." Belly said, while Diana sighed "pretty princess." she shared, as their mom smiled at them, Diana turned around walking off as Belly followed after her.

Walking along the sidewalk, the two kept bumping into each other, as they laughed, Diana then noticed a very familiar lifeguard heading their way "hey!" she voiced, but Jeremiah didn't even acknowledge her "um, Jere? It's me and Belly? You saw us this morning?" Diana asked him, as Jeremiah stopped, his jaw dropping as he looked at them but more specifically Diana "oh, my god. Uh, Diana, Belly, I didn't even recognize you guys." he shared "clearly. But from your reaction this is all just turning into a very, very bad idea." Diana shared "no, no, you..you look good. You guys look good. Um, let me walk you over." Jeremiah shared.

"Ah, yes, please!" Diana voiced, as her and Belly turned to the left, Jeremiah followed them "you and purple, Diana, that's..that's never a color I expected on you." he shared "well, I wanted to wear the black dress but your mom insisted I wear this one for the tea where I am just thankful she let me keep my space funs or I might've gone out of my mind." she shared, as Jeremiah walked the towels he was carrying over to the golf cart, he laughed, he walked over to the two, stepping between them and linking arms with both of them.

Walking up the stairs to where the deb tea was they passed four pictures of pass debutantes as Jeremiah was telling them about all the snacks they had "they have strawberry, raspberry, raspberry type cookies. Oh, they're to die for." he shared, as they walked up the final set of stairs "so what you're telling me is to sneak you food for later. Got it." Diana told him "yes, thank you. But I still never thought I'd see the day where you or even Belly were wearing a fascinator." Jeremiah shared "well, if I happen to make it out of here alive with my personality still intact then this will be the only time you do." Diana shared, as her and Jeremiah laughed.

The three then walked in, seeing that the tea was already up and going, where the chatter soon stopped, as everyone, literally everyone looked at them, Diana's eyes went wide "Jeremiah.." she whispered to him "I got you, princess." Jeremiah whispered back to her "Jeremiah." a women said as she began walking over to them "Paige." Jeremiah said, as Paige held her hands out "where's your shirt?" she asked "it's always a pleasure." Jeremiah told her, leaning forward and grabbing her hand, he brought it up and kissed it, he turned to Diana and Belly "this is Belly..I mean, uh, Isabel Conklin and her sister Diana Conklin, the young women my mom told you about, Diana here is my future wife." he shared.

Night changes, Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now