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Chapter thirty five

"We were happy." 

Driving down the street, Diana looked at Jeremiah then back out the window and as she did, Jeremiah then looked to her then back out the window, and as he did, Diana then looked back at him where Jeremiah then looked at her, both of them smiling at each other, as they then looked back at the road, Jeremiah soon turned left and into the the driveway of the beach house, and as he parked, the two remembered how excited they were to be here last time.

Laughing, Diana and Jeremiah didn't even wait for Belly and Conrad as they grabbed their bags and opened the back doors, they shut them behind them, as they ran toward's the front door, Jeremiah was pulling out his key, as he stuck it in the door handle, unlocking it, he turned it and opened the door, walking in, Diana followed in behind him, as the two turned seeing Conrad and Belly getting out of the car, Jeremiah grabbed Diana's arm and pulled her back, shutting the door behind them.

Diana laughed, as Jeremiah turned around and began pulling her upstairs, the two of them were laughing, not even caring about how cold it was inside, the two headed down the hallway and into his room, Diana raised her brows "oh so I get to stay in here with you?" she asked him, as Jeremiah hummed, dropping down his bag, he turned to her, and brushed her bag off of her arm, bringing his hands down to her face, he began kissing her and as he did, Diana kissed him back, and as she did, she smiled "let's go to the beach." she told him, as Jeremiah raised his brows "for a swim?" he asked her.

As Diana chuckled "no." she told him, looking out the window behind him, seeing snowflakes "because it's snowing." she told him "what?" Jeremiah asked her, turning around and seeing it as well, both of their eyes lit up "come on! Come on!" Diana voiced, laughing, as she grabbed Jeremiah's arm and dragged him out of the room, and down the hallway, the two headed down the stairs, and as they did, they ran through the hallway and to the backdoor in the kitchen, the same one they had gone through last summer when they went for their first swim down at the beach, where Belly and Conrad got up from the couch and began running after them.

Having ran down from the house and to the beach, Diana and Jeremiah were there, having picked up the pace once they knew Conrad and Belly were behind them, where they all had race down there to see who could get there first, and Diana and Jeremiah won, as the snow fell around them, Jeremiah grabbed Diana's hands as he began spinning the two of them around in a circle.

Jeremiah then let her hands go and as he did, Diana stumbled back, laughing and as she did, Jeremiah lunged at her, making her squeal, as she turned running off, Jeremiah ran after her down the beach, where his legs were longer then her's, as he caught up to her and grabbed her, throwing her over his shoulder "Jeremiah!" Diana voiced, laughing, and as she did, Jeremiah laughed with her, as he began carrying her back to the house, leaving Conrad and Belly there.

Meanwhile back in the present, Jeremiah had gotten out of the car and as he did, Diana had followed after him, where Jeremiah opened the front door "Conrad?" he asked, walking in, Diana followed behind him, shutting the door "Connie, you here, man?" Jeremiah asked, as Diana turned around, watching him walk toward's the living room, remembering how happy the two of them were to be here together last time and now? Now she had no idea what they were. Cause like the two of them always said. They could never be just friends.

Having made it back inside, Jeremiah had lit the fireplace downstairs to help move the heat around the house. a little bit more, but as he turned around, he realized Diana wasn't sitting on the couch anymore as he furrowed his brows "Diana?" he asked, walking into the kitchen, but she wasn't there either as he headed out of the living room and up the stairs, heading down the hallway toward's his room "Diana?" he asked, walking into the room, the bed was made and there were candles lit up, as he found Diana sitting on it "I still have to give you your Christmas present." Diana told him, smiling at him.

Jeremiah stepped inside, and as he did, he shut the door behind him, making sure to lock it, Diana stood up, walking toward's him and as she did, Jeremiah walked toward's her, meeting her halfway, and as he did, he brought his hands down to her face, leaning down and kissing her, Diana kissed him back, and as she did, the two began making out, as they began backing up toward's the bed.

"Connie, you can't just disappear like that." Jeremiah said, bringing Diana back to the present as she watched him disappear into the living room, as she walked towards him "when I call you, pick up your fucking phone." Jeremiah told him, as Diana closed her eyes, having no idea how anything else in this moment was gonna go, thinking back to that night.

Her legs hitting against the bed, as the two pulled away from each other breathing heavy "are you sure about this?" Jeremiah asked her, looking into her eyes, Diana was looking into his "I've been thinking about this for a while now and nothing you can say can make me change my mind on wanting my first time to be with you. So yes. I am sure about this." she shared, and as she did, Jeremiah reconnected his lips with her's, but soft, knowing how special this moment was, Diana moved her hands down his chest and underneath his shirt, feeling his toned chest on her hands.

"I've been dealing with a lot of shit, Jere." Conrad told him, and hearing his voice for the first time since the funeral was like a shock to her system, a different one then when she drunkenly called Jeremiah, it was like the feeling of seeing her brother for the first time in a long time, cause yeah she had Steven, but he was always felt like a second brother compared to Conrad, he was the oldest, always looked out for her "dude, you have to go back for your bio finals." Jeremiah shared "I'm not leaving." Conrad told him, as Diana stopped, hiding behind the wall.

"What do you mean your not leaving? What's more important than that right now, Connie?" Jeremiah asked him "school doesn't matter!" Conrad voiced, as Diana felt like she was holding her breath.

Taking off Jeremiah's shirt, Diana threw it to the floor beside him, as she looked at Jeremiah, Jeremiah stared back at her, as he moved his hands behind her back and found the zipped to her dress and began unzipping it and as he did, Diana began taking her arms out of the sleeves, and as she did the dress soon pooled to the floor around, where as it did, Diana brought her hands behind her and unclasped her bra, taking it off, it fell to the floor as well and as it did, the two looked at each other "your so beautiful." Jeremiah told her, as he leaned down kissing her again, he wrapped his arms around her and as he did, the two of them fell down onto the bed.

Laying on the bed after, the sheet was wrapped around them, as Diana had her head lying against Jeremiah's chest, as Jeremiah ran his hand through her hair, the candle light was illuminating off of them, where in Jeremiah's other hand was a box that he had opened and it had a diamond heart shaped necklace in it "because your my destiny too, Diana." he told her, and as he did, Diana turned and kissed him, and as she did, Jeremiah kissed her back.

Where Diana had turned stepping through the door and into the living room "Jere, the house has been put up for sale." Conrad shared, and when he did, Diana's eyes went wide, having not expected that "what?" she asked him, and as she did, Conrad turned and looked at her and when he did, his gaze softened, having not expected after the way things had ended with her and Jeremiah to see the two together again, but he should've known the moment she had called him and he didn't answer that after all the times he had stopped answering her text that it would set off warning bells in her head to come off and find him, even if it was without his brother, so seeing her again, the girl that was like a baby sister to him, lifted this heavy weight off of his chest.

Night changes, Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now