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Chapter twenty six

"I want you by my side through all of it." 

Having made it home, the boys were downstairs with their mom while Diana and Belly were up in her room, crying as their mom held them in her arms "I feel so stupid." Belly shared "honey, why would you feel stupid?" their mom asked her "because, all summer long, I've been thinking about myself, and Susannah was sick, and I didn't even know." Belly shared "none of us knew! And mom, I'm..I'm sorry that I snuck off with Jeremiah and took Susannah's phone. He just wanted to know what was wrong with his mom! I didn't know Conrad had known this whole time, I though he should know what we found out not..not that he had been keeping it all to himself and that the two of them would start fighting because of it." Diana shared, crying even more.

"No, no, nobody's mad at you Diana. You can't control what they do. You were doing what you thought was right. Because nobody knowing she was sick was the way she wanted it. It's exactly how she wanted it." their mom shared "how long have you known?" Diana and Belly asked her "since the spring. She didn't wanna burden you kids with it. She wanted one last summer with you guys." their mom shared "but she should've told us! We..we all deserved to find out in a better way! Not..not hiding things from each other! We're supposed to be a family!" Diana voiced.

"I know. I know." their mom told her, running her hand through her hair "and what about you?" Diana asked her "what about me?" their mom asked "you had to carry it all by yourself." Belly shared "and so did Conrad and I..I thought he was just being such an asshole this entire summer." Diana shared, crying even more as did Belly, and then their mom started crying too as she pulled them both closer to her.

The door to Diana's bedroom opened, the three looked up, seeing Steven standing there as he shut the door behind him "she's not gonna get better is she?" he asked them, as their mom shook her head "no." she told him, as Steven walked around to the other side of the bed, climbing in next to Diana, their mom put her arm around him to, as Steven started crying with them.

And when they all couldn't cry anymore, their mom had left the room to go make dinner, as Belly went to her room to get changed, Steven had left as well, as Diana stood in her room, looking in the mirror, she grabbed one of her makeup wipes and took it off, as she then brought her hands up, taking the tiara off, she then got out of her dress, putting on a pair of black shorts and a hoodie, she threw it on, pulling her hair out from underneath it, she brushed it out, where it was all wavy, she stared at herself in the mirror "all right, everybody down here. We still have to eat it!" her mom called out.

And as she did, Diana turned walking out of her bedroom, opening the door, she stepped out and as she did, so did Jeremiah who wasn't wearing his suit jacket but was still in his button up and dress pants, he held his arm out letting her walk past him first "thanks." Diana told him, her voice coming hoarse, as she walked past him and toward's the stairs, Jeremiah walked right behind her, heading down after her.

Where at the table, food was all around it, as Belly and Susannah sat at the head of the table, Conrad and Steven sat to the left, while Jeremiah, Diana and their mom sat to the right, all of them passing around the food "wait, wait so this is edible, right? Because you said my mom made this and I wouldn't exactly want that stomach bug to come back." Diana shared "what?" Steven and Conrad asked, while Jeremiah laughed along with Susannah, their mom scoffed "oh shut up! How about I go get you some ginger ale!" she voiced, as Diana and Jeremiah laughed.

And after dinner, Diana had walked into the living room, standing there with her arms crossed, she looked at all their portraits, as Steven's was on the far left sitting there in a dress shirt smiling, Jeremiah's was next to his definitely better then the first one but it seemed she still decided to paint him as Hermes.

Where next to his was her's which she knowing what she did now, she felt bad about seeing as she wasn't even smiling in the photo, she was looking away from the photo, yet Susannah managed to capture her wavy hair perfectly along with that god awful dress that made her feel like she was suffocating, this portrait barely even looked like her, and more like some princess from a fairytale and sometimes she may have felt like that, but tonight wasn't one of those nights.

As she looked to the right seeing Belly's, where even though she didn't like her dress either, she still was smiling and that's where the difference between the two really came in, Belly always wanted to please people, no matter what she had to endure to do so, like being friends with all those deb girls which in the end got them left stranded with no clothes and one cell phone which she had to ask her multiple times to make a call on, where Diana? Diana was more headstrong, knowing very well if someone didn't want to be her friend, wasn't one to push them to be if they didn't want to.

As she then looked at Conrad's, he didn't look happy, not like how she'd seen him whenever he was around her and not being an asshole, here you could tell that he was upset, that he was hiding something and maybe that's because they all know now what exactly it was he was hiding.

As she turned around, walking out of the living room, she headed out the patio door, walking over to the pool, she sat down sticking her feet in and as she did, she didn't notice Jeremiah walking out the back door and up to her, not until he saw down next to her, having changed into shorts and a t shirt, he stuck his feet in next to her, he took a deep breath "I convinced my mom to do the treatment." he shared, and when he did, Diana turned to him "good for you, Jere." she told him.

As Jeremiah nodded "yeah. But..but I'm glad that unlike Conrad when I found out about it that you were there with me." he shared, as Diana brought her hand up to his face "I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else and I know everything else after this summer is gonna be really hard but I wanna be with you through it all too." she shared, as Jeremiah leaned into her touch, looking into her eyes "good. Because I want you by my side through it all too." he shared, and as he did, Diana moved closer to him and as she did, Jeremiah leaned down, connecting his lips with her's, he brought his hand behind her neck, pulling her close to him, Diana began kissing him back, as she brought her arms around his neck, as the two of them began making out.

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