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Chapter four

"Reconnecting with a long lost friend." 

Having made it to the beach where the bonfire was happening, Jeremiah parked the car, and as he did, all four of them got out of it, as they began walking toward's the party "okay, let's all remember that I am the DD tonight, okay? So if anything starts happening and anyone gets too drunk or wants to leave.." Jeremiah shared "yes, yes, we know to come get you!" Steven voiced, making Diana laugh, Steven began to walk off.

Conrad stood there, watching Jeremiah link his arm with Diana "come on, princess.." he told her, as Diana's eyes went wide "oh, no, no.." she told him, unlinking her arm from his "what.." Jeremiah told her, as Diana pointed at him "your not using me as a way to get other girls or even guys to come up and talk to you!" she voiced, as Jeremiah gasped "that is so not what I was doing!" he voiced "yes, you were!" Diana voiced, chuckling, and as she did, Conrad stepped toward's her "come on.." he told her, reaching his hand out to her.

Diana raised her brows "and your way too overbearing!" she voiced, holding her hands out to both of them "so..I'm gonna go." she told them, as she turned walking off, Conrad huffed, cause this summer, he had told himself two things, look out for his mom and most importantly, look after Diana, Jeremiah started laughing as he patted him on the chest "she's not a kid anymore, bro." he told him, walking off.

And soon, Diana had a red solo cup in her hand, she had been talking with a couple of girls, as she noticed Jeremiah talking to two girls, she couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, even though he was the one at first who wanted her on his arm, she was starting to regret the decision of pulling away, which was strange because this was always the moment where the two of them would at least find one person to kiss tonight, but now, she wasn't so sure if she would, as she looked back to the girls, holding her empty cup up "I'm gonna go get a refill." she told them, walking off to do so. 

Having made it to the drinks, she grabbed the bottle of vodka and poured it into her cup, as she then grabbed the lemonade, filling the rest of the cup with it "Kyra?" a guy asked, and when Diana turned around she furrowed her brows recognizing that name although she only ever used it once when talking to one boy "hi. It's me Sextus." the boy told her, and when he did, Diana's eyes went wide "yes! From seventh grade latin convention. I as Kyra told you that we would stay in touch and then.." she shared "and then we didn't. Which is probably my fault seeing as we never did exchange numbers because you were just so excited to place first in the costume contest." the boy shared.

As Diana chuckled "yeah, I, um, get a little competitive. Plus I was Persephone queen of the underworld was very much into my character. But I remember you were Charon, ferryman of the dead. Which is why they put us next to each other in line because our costumes coincided with each others." she shared "salve, Kyra." the boy told her, as he bowed to her "salve, Sextus." Diana shared, curtsying to him "my real names not Sextus, though. It's, uh, it's Cam." Cam shared "and I am not Kyra although with the name meaning princess, which is a nickname I have been given since I was a little girl but my real name is Diana, after princess Diana. Where I like to tell people how the one direction song, Diana, is about me, even though it's totally not." Diana shared, laughing, as she drank from her cup.

"Cool." Cam told her, as Diana raised her brows "do you want a drink?" she asked him "no, no, I don't drink but thank you." Cam told her "here. Hold this." Diana told him, holding her cup out to him, Cam took it, as Diana bent down grabbing a cup, she grabbed the bottle of lemonade "don't worry, it's just lemonade. I'm not trying to corrupt you or anything." she shared, as the two of them laughed, Diana then put down the jug of lemonade, holding the cup out to Cam, the two swapped cups.

Night changes, Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now