- Thirteenth -

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Jungkook closed the door behind him and threw his keys on the hall cupboard. He took off his shoes and walked cautiously into the kitchen. He glanced around furtively and sighed with relief to see that it was empty.

"Good, it looks like nobody's home yet!"

He got rid of his bag, which he left in a corner of the room, and rushed to the cupboards in search of food. He took out a packet of cakes, which he devoured on the sofa in the living room, while watching a series on TV. He was quietly enjoying his moment of solitude when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He paused the show and reached for it. He was a little surprised when he saw the name of the contact. But he quickly snapped out of his torpor and decided to answer.


"Hello Jungkook? It's Taehyung. Are you home?"

"Hum, yes..."

"Oh thank God! I need you to do me a favour."

"Yes, what is it?"

"I left in a hurry this morning and forgot an important document on my desk. Do you think you could bring it back to me?"

"Yes, but what kind of document is it?"

"Go into my office, normally you'll see lots of papers scattered around the desk, but don't worry about it. There'll be a file, it will be... hum... brown! It's a brown folder, that's the one I want."

Jungkook nodded, forgetting that Taehyung couldn't see him nodding like a child.

"Let me have a look."

He got up from the sofa in a hurry and rushed upstairs. He crossed the corridor and entered the room Taehyung had indicated. He'd never been in there before, and took the time to observe the place for a moment, despite the urgency of the situation. The room was small, quite the opposite of what he had imagined. Seeing the luxury of the house, he thought it would show in his office, where he spent much of his time when he wasn't at work. But that wasn't the case, everything was very simple: furniture with hundreds of briefcases and boxes stored on it, a comfortable sofa with a small blanket folded on it, probably in case Taehyung ended up sleeping there rather than going back to his room, and a secretary with a large screen on it. Jungkook rushed over to it, searching through all the clutter for the file he wanted. Still on the phone with Taehyung, he was getting impatient.

"Can you find it?" he asked.

"Two seconds, I'm on it... I've got it!"

"Yes, thanks! I've got to go to a meeting now, but normally I'll be out when you arrive. If I'm not, ask for Mrs Lee, she's my secretary, she'll take you to my office."


They hung up, and Jungkook stared at the famous file for a moment.

"When did I become so nice?"


Jungkook arrived half an hour later in front of the Kim Corporation building, and found it so imposing that he thought for a moment of turning back. He was only just beginning to realise who Kim Taehyung was, the public figure and the wealth he represented. They weren't in the same league, they should never have crossed paths, and now he was part of his "family". It felt very strange.

"Come on, Jungkook, you're not going to chicken out now..."

He entered the building and went straight to the reception desk.

"Hello, could you tell me where Mr Kim's office is, please?" He asked as politely as he could, clearly intimidated by the hostess.

And she didn't even look up from her computer.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Hum, no, I'm family..."

The woman straightened up, arching an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, young man, but if I let through all those who think they're close to the richest man in the country, I'd lose my job. Why don't you come back when you've made an appointment?"

"Oh, that's right, contact Mrs Lee, she'll confirm..."

"Young man, don't waste my time..."

Jungkook was beginning to panic. What was he supposed to do? Even if he now admitted that Taehyung was his stepfather - and God knows how much that would cost him - he suspected it wouldn't work. And to top it all off, he'd realised once on the bus that he'd forgotten his mobile, so it was impossible to reach Taehyung.

"Please," he tried, "it's really important... He asked me to bring him this file as soon as possible..."

The woman sighed. She was annoyed, and Jungkook realised that it didn't look good for him. But he too was beginning to despair: why did this have to happen to him? He'd only wanted to be nice to Taehyung, so why was it turning against him?

"Young man, I'm going to call security if you keep this up." she threatened.

Argh, Jungkook understood that she was just doing her job, and that he clearly looked suspicious, especially as he was still wearing his old jeans with holes and his oversized T-shirt, clearly not the outfit that someone close to the great Kim Taehyung would wear - and yet he was - but he still thought she was not very complacent. He had mentioned Mrs Lee anyway, and the name of the CEO's secretary was not widely known. That should have alerted her.

But despite the threats, he couldn't leave. So he just stood there, worry clearly visible on his face.

"Well, I have warned you."

Before Jungkook had time to say anything, the hostess called the security guards, who soon surrounded the teenager.

"Sir, I'm going to ask you to come with us." said one of the two giants.

"No, it's a misunderstanding..." tried Jungkook.

"Sir, I will not repea-"

"What's going on here?"

Everyone turned around and Jungkook almost cried with joy when he saw Taehyung approaching, his eyebrows furrowed. The three employees bowed, and the hostess quickly came forward to explain the situation.

"Mr Kim, this individual tried to enter the offices as one of your relatives, but we're taking care of the situation, so don't worry..."

Taehyung crossed his arms, clearly irritated.

"It's a good thing he's pretending to be someone close to me, because that's what he is! I asked him to bring me a file I needed urgently, but I could have waited a long time because of you!"

The woman swallowed, her eyes wide. She wanted to apologise, but Taehyung didn't give her the chance, ignoring her completely. He joined Jungkook and his face softened.

"I'm sorry, I was sure I'd passed on the message... Why didn't you try and call me?"

"I forgot my phone..." Jungkook admitted, a little ashamed.

Taehyung smiled slightly and ruffled his hair affectionately.

"It doesn't matter, the important thing is that it all ends well. Come on, let's go to my office. I'll ask Mrs Lee to bring us some drinks."

He put an arm around the boy's shoulder and led him away, without forgetting to say one last word to the hostess.

"We'll talk about this incident another time. Expect consequences."

The woman nodded feverishly, and they walked away without paying her any further attention.

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