- Forty-third -

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Soyoon walked proudly through the entrance to the Kim Corporation, wearing a confident, almost provocative smile. It was true that she did stand out, with her bright white outfit, in the middle of all those dark suits. And the long, wide sleeves of her blouse looked like wings down her back, almost giving the illusion that an angel was walking through the great hall.

She arrived at the reception in all her triumph, quickly giving the hostess a condescending look.

She doesn't even come close to me. she thought haughtily, though with a touch of bitterness at the insignificant beauty of the young woman in front of her.

"Can I help you, madam?" asked the hostess politely, without missing the way the woman was staring at her.

"Yes, I've come to see Kim Taehyung."

Yes, Soyoon knew very well that Taehyung had forbidden her to come back. But she was convinced that he had said it in a tone of anger, and that he didn't mean it. Because, honestly, who could stay angry at her? She knew he couldn't resist her, and that he'd certainly kept his distance until now because of Jungkook. Taehyung was a decent person, and he certainly wouldn't do anything in front of a child, which she understood perfectly well. But now that they were finally alone, they had nothing to fear. So she decided to take the first step.

"Do you have an appointment?" asked the hostess again.

"No, but I don't need one."

The hostess arched an eyebrow.

"I'm afraid, madam, that you'll need one to talk to Mr Kim."

"I'm telling you I don't need it. I'm his wife."

She thought she might provoke some sort of reaction from the woman, like surprise or jealousy, but it didn't happen. The woman remained unmoved.

The hostess had recognised her well. She knew it was the Jeon daughter, and also the woman who had screamed all over the building on her last visit. And nobody here had a very good memory of her.

"I understand, madam, but that doesn't change the problem. I can't let you see Mr Kim without an appointment."

Soyoon gritted her teeth. Was she deaf? She'd just told him she was his wife, which was more than enough reason to let her pass.

"And why would I need an appointment? If he's busy, I can just go and wait for him in his office."

The hostess shook her head again, as Soyoon's anger grew by the second.

"I'm sorry, but only three people are allowed in Mr Kim's office without an appointment: Mrs Lee, his assistant, Mr Jung, and finally Mr Jeon Jungkook."

Soyoon's eyes widened at the name of the third person. Jungkook? Why did he have this privilege when she was denied it?

"Why Jungkook? If he's allowed in, then I can't be refused!"

"I don't have to explain it to you, Mrs Jeon, these are Mr Kim's orders. I'll have to ask you to leave, as Mr Kim's schedule is full for today and he won't be able to see you."

Soyoon wasn't satisfied. She wasn't happy at all. And she certainly didn't intend to leave it at that.

"I'm not going back."


"No." insisted Soyoon firmly. "I'm not moving until I've seen Taehyung. Since you won't let me through, call Taehyung. Ask him directly."

The hostess sighed. Normally she would have refused, because her boss clearly had other things to do than deal with a hysteric like Soyoon. But she knew very well that if she didn't, Soyoon would never leave. And she didn't want to have to put up with her for the rest of the day. So she picked up the landline and dialled Taehyung's office number.

"Put it on speaker." Soyoon ordered.

The woman complied, and a few seconds later, the CEO picked up.


"Mr Kim, a woman at reception would like to see you without an appointment."

"Send her away."

"But she says she's your wife, and refuses to leave..."

"Is her name on the list of authorised persons?"

"No, it's not."

"Then send her away. And if she refuses, call security."

He didn't give her a chance to reply, hanging up immediately. The young woman put down the phone and refocused her gaze on Soyoon, whose face was livid.

"On that note, madam," continued the hostess, "I would ask you to leave yourself. Otherwise I'll have to call security."

Soyoon swallowed, the humiliation she had just suffered too great for her mind to bear. So, without another word, she slowly turned on her heels and left the building. She had suddenly lost all her dignity.


When Taehyung pushed open the door of the café where they'd arranged to meet, the stress and fear that hadn't left him for a week increased tenfold, and for a moment he thought his legs were going to give out on him.

He knew they should have had this discussion long before now. The Jeon family situation had always remained a real mystery to Taehyung, but he had always suspected that something was wrong. No, he knew perfectly well that something was wrong. But he'd decided to turn a blind eye, thinking it wasn't his place to interfere in their affairs. And now he regretted it. Because of his negligence, a poor boy had suffered. And even that word was far too weak to describe what Jungkook had felt.

He needed to know. To know why Soyoon had reacted like that, to know what had happened between them. To know what had happened at the Jeon house.

He let his gaze wander around the room, and it came to rest on a small table near the window, at which a man of about his own age was seated, looking grave and thoughtful. Jin was already intimidating over the phone, but seeing him in person was something else entirely. Taehyung hesitated to turn back. But when Seokjin's eyes met his, he gave up. He took a deep breath and stepped forward.

He sat silently, feeling more than ever that enormous sword of Damocles hanging over his head.

"Hi..." Taehyung murmured, unsure of how to greet the elder.

Jin stared at him blankly for a moment, as if probing his soul. Then he sighed and shook his head.

"You look so tense, I feel sorry for you..." he admitted.

"I think I have reason to be..."

"Do you? If you say so."

This sentence took Taehyung by surprise.

"Why shouldn't I be tense...?" he asked, unsure of himself. "You're angry with me, aren't you?"

It was Jin's turn to be surprised. Was that the impression he was giving? Hm, Namjoon was right, maybe he should rethink his social interactions.

He tried a reassuring smile, which seemed to relax the man in front of him.

"I'm not angry, Taehyung. But I think we still have a few things to talk about, don't you?"

Taehyung nodded.

"Well, let's get down to business then."

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