- Fiftieth -

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Jungkook sat in the kitchen, his gaze riveted on his nervously intertwining fingers. Taehyung would be here any minute. Any minute now, he'd end their story. In another minute, he would feel his heart break and life leave him.

He wanted to cry. To scream. But he held back the tears as best he could. He had to be convincing. He was doing it for Taehyung. He'd probably hurt him just as much as he was going to hurt himself, but it was for the best. Jungkook was nothing special, he'd get over it. He'd probably remember him as an arrogant kid who'd only played with his heart, and whom he'd rather hate than regret...

Jungkook felt a tear roll down his cheek, but quickly wiped it away. He mustn't break down, not now.

When he thought about it, it was all so ridiculous. Once again, he felt so weak. Faced with Minhyu, and now his mother: he was incapable of resisting, of fighting back. He could only bow his head and accept. Even if it killed him slowly.

Would he ever get over this break-up? No. Certainly not, no. His uncle would have to pick up the pieces again, he might never be able to love anyone again, because no one would ever come close to Taehyung, but he'd accept it. Because it was the only way he could protect the man he loved.

He heard the front door slam, and Taehyung's sweet voice made him shiver with horror.

No, it was far too soon. He wasn't ready. He still wanted to feel him against him, see his smile, hear his laughter, his words of love...


He was snapped out of his thoughts when Taehyung appeared in the doorway, his gaze riveted on him.

"Darling, are you all right? You didn't even answer me when I called..." asked the thirty-year-old as he approached, clearly worried.

The teenager was startled to see him approach, and immediately stood up to take a few steps back. Taehyung stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the reaction he'd provoked in Jungkook, and couldn't help but stare at him with incomprehension.

"Jungkook, what's going on?" Taehyung asked, panic evident in his voice.

Jungkook wanted to answer, but the ball of stress that had formed in his throat prevented him from doing so immediately. So instead he stared at him for a long time, uncertain, scared, searching within himself for the courage to say those few words. And the more the seconds passed, the more Taehyung began to worry. He was already imagining the worst, millions of scenarios running through his mind. And he wasn't out of the woods yet.

"Jungkook, tell me what's happening to you." Taehyung let out more harshly, taking another step towards the boy, who flinched at his gesture.

"I... I..." he tried, the words catching in his throat.

The two remained silent for a few seconds, the tension gradually building in the room. And when Jungkook dared to speak again, Taehyung felt his world crumble.

"I want to break up."

Taehyung's eyes widened as he felt his chest tighten.


"Y-You heard me right, I want to break up."

Taehyung couldn't believe his ears. The situation seemed unreal. But why? Just this morning, everything was going perfectly. They had cuddled for a long time in bed, laughing and kissing. Then they'd talked a lot over breakfast, because Jungkook was really stressed about going back to school. Yes, even this morning, everything was perfectly normal. So what had happened to make the boy change his mind so suddenly?

"Why?" Taehyung simply asked, still in shock.

"Because that's the way it is, and that's all there is to it."

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